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What Do You Dream?

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Do you think that what happens during the day the information that our brain uses to message a dream?

I feel like this is true up to a point because sometime my dreams do not make any sense. I recently had a dream regarding when I was younger and I wonder why my brain retrieved that old memory as I was not thinking about it during the day so nothing to trigger it.

Dreams have been tested and investigated by Scientists and Psychologists for years now but it remains unclear. I have studied about dream for a while now but is no straight answer.

Why do you think we dream and what information does the brain use think make the dreams?

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I think our dreams must be made up of things you have watched or seen in the past. I don't think any of it can be new information so it's simply a version of events from our past and things we've seen in films etc, muddled up to make an unusual running of events.


I like this take on dreams. Thank you for sharing this! 🙂


Letgetfreestuff that's no problem! I find them fascinating so it is always interesting to hear other opinions on how they think they work.


Yes I dream more when I have done more in the previous day and especially if what I have done is "new". For example I had a nightmare about being at my previous school and having to teach some seriously horrible lessons on Thursday night after getting the Alevel results. Now the results where great yet my brain started to think about school.


I had a nightmare the other night, the first I can remember for a very long time, years in fact. I had water running down a wall inside a house that started getting worse until a huge amount of water was flowing down the wall. I couldn't think where the stopcock was and started climbing these weak wooden stairs to reach a weak wooden floor that collapsed with me on it and I basically fell. I actually felt like this was happening and I was falling to my death but then without waking up I realised it was just a strange dream. It made no sense at all and no I hadn't wet the bed and fallen out of bed onto the floor. My cats are often doing stuff in the night. If one wants me to get up he will often do a slow scratch on my cheek or other annoying stuff to get me up. It didn't seem related to that.


I have dreams sometimes where there are random people who i may have known 20 years ago and havent thought about so i dont know how they get in my dreams 🤣 dreams can be so confusing, they seem to last forever when they happen and can be so vivid when your waking up but by the time i try to tell someone i either forget or its literally 3 seconds long. I read once that dreams can consist if things you think about or see before you fall asleep, ive tried watching videos and thinking about demi lovato but nah! Nothing 🙊

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