Should You Keep Eggs in the Fridge?
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What is the best way to keep eggs. Should you keep eggs in or out of the fridge.
I don't keep mine in the fridge never have I was told you should not keep eggs in the fridge it dos something to them. Not sure what.
I also don't keep eggs in the fridge, they are better left at room temperature, I just put them in a bowl on the work surface but not in direct sunlight. (Supermarkets don't store them in fridges either)
At work (I’m a chef) we keep them in the fridge, however a separate fridge to anything else as they are very porous and absorbs the smells of whatever else is around and it changes the taste.
however at home I don’t keep them in the fridge. There isn’t any need to hope this helps.
That’s a good question I’ve never really thought about it properly I always store mine in the fridge but the shops don’t so why would I buy them from a shelf and put directly in the fridge? I don’t know... you’ve got me thinking now haha
I really don't think it matters a great deal either way, unless as lauren says you want to avoid strong smells being absorbed by the eggs. I have done both but generally keep in the fridge to fill it up as it isn't full very often!
As long as they are kept in a cool and dry place, then it doesn't really matter how they are stored.
I leave them in their cardboard boxes in the cupboard. I have never put them in the fridge. They don't need to go in there
Always keep ours in the fridge, the only real reason is we have one of those egg holders in the door so convenient to store them in that.
I make cakes for living so use a lot of eggs, but i don't keep mine in the fridge. You don't buy them in the fridge and there is no need to. My mom keep hers in the fridge but that's what she has always done and i know a lot of people do. NEver have and never will :-)
Lots of great replie, thank you. I am going with the majority who keep them on the side. Thank you very much xx
If u do not cook them properly, want to eat them runny than should keep them in the fridge, or u need to check expiry dates on them all the times.
My Mum used to say better to keep them in the fridge than have a chick pop out from one of them. I know it is rare, but it can happen, that the chick start to grow in the egg.
when I was about 18/19 now am 34 so this was couple years a, a lady had a chick come out of one of her
eggs as she opened the fridge door it flow out.
weird specially in the fridge but it can happen....
she kept her eggs in the fridge anyway think about it shops never put them in the fridge because they are fine in a cool place.
nicoledbradburn Fridge slows it down...but she needed to have that egg in her fridge for a while lol
We keep our eggs on the worktop. Never kept them in the fridge. My mum used to have a special bowl to keep them in.
no eggs don't go in the fridge... plus if you go shopping for eggs they are never in the fridge even if it's near its expiry date it's never in the fridge.... I don't know anyone of my friends or neighbours who keeps them in the fridge...,
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