Faulty Water Heater Mistook for Being an Active Shooter at a School
Source: Bing News
This is no laughing matter but the media and everyone assumed it was a school shooter and even South Park now makes fun of it too.
A cop on South Park said the following:
"Outside of school is the one place kids are supposed to be safe."
"When children leave school, they're supposed to be out of harm's way."
From Season 22, Episode 06.
I hate to admit but hearing those lines made me laugh. Sorry.
To be fair, if the sound of the faulty water heater sounded that much like a gun attack starting to take place in the school, you can't really blame them for any shock ect. they had, especially with all the mass shooting. They don't need any more.
Given how many mass shootings there are in American schools and colleges it's no wonder people are on tenterhooks.
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