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I remember the time when I was feeling up the forms for the freebies and they never arrived... 😓 Since I started using LatestDeals I got a few freebies and every single time after I tried to give a positive feedback to the sponsors.

But still... most of the stuff comes from the well known brands so they obviously can afford the postage 🤨 and they still don't bother to send samples to everyone

My best freebies where printed books... and Bimuno sachets... I actually started buying them...

How do you guys feel about freebies? 🙂

over a year ago
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When I first started on latest deals i used to sign up for most of them, before realising to use a fake email address etc. Now I don’t really bother, it concerns me what these companys do with my details the amount of junk emails etc I receive. I’m not sure it’s worth my data being passed around for a sample 🤷🏻‍♀️


yes, sometimes you do not get freebies that you apply for. it can be very annoying


I'm very careful now about what I apply for. Sopost yes, big well known companies, yes. Most samples I used to apply for didn't turn up, so I learnt only to apply for ones from P&G for example. What really bugged me was the ones where I signed up, then I got email asking me to do something else, then I was would be asked to do something else etc. I went on some long assed wild goose chases to end up with something not worth all the effort. Worse was a tiny lip gloss sample on facebook which was meant to be a full sized lip gloss but it turned out to be something and nothing. Having to get codes, share this post here, post on this twitter account etc etc - no! I will fill in a form now and nothing more. I'm not taking surveys, sharing posts, posting photos etc just to get a tiny sample of something. Not worth my time and effort.

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