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Funerals and Costing

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Funerals and costing - I recently did a funeral with a company that did an inexpensive funeral package and was happy with it, but, with these new ways and cheaper ways, does anyone do it the old way and spend thousands? If so why?

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Depends how much you respected and loved the person!

Me - well i just want stuffed in a cardboard box and thrown onto an open fire - I am a cheap date too!



Unfortunately that’s not an option in the U.K. you’ll have to move to India.

Funerals are so expensive and people feel obligated to do the right thing but why do they hire a cavalcade of cars?


You can always leave a letter expressing your desires for your funeral. I want no flowers, donation to charity instead, the cheapest box, and ashes scattered somewhere nice. I will write down the music I want at a church service and make sure there is money for my family and close friends to have a good nosh and drink on me. If you write your wishes they really should be obeyed and your family will not then feel guilty if it is done 'on the cheap'.

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