Grow Your Own Fruit and Veg
Is anyone else trying to grow their own fruit and veg? I'm a beginner and have started a few bits on my kitchen windowsill and thought it would be fun to share our progress, hints and tips.
Most of my seeds were bought reduced last year. Ive got cucumbers, beans, tomatoes, squash, salad leaves and herbs on the go so far. I like using old bottles as mini propagaters.
Here's my progress so far, would be great to see anyone else's
Hi vegamo I am new to growing things has well. I've not started yet. I am going to grow potatoes from tubs. All so going to try and grow TOMATOES, lettuce, straberrys. All from the tubs. I was thinking of growing peas in the tub has well. Hope to start next month. Looking for ward to it. Not sure what else to grow I was thinking of spring onions. I am not sure if it's going to work or not but I am willing to try it. Hope all go's well with your growing.
Sounds great! They all sound like really good things to grow from tubs. Potatoes should be easy - my kids planted some potatoes in the bottom of the garden that had sprouted a few years ago then got bored and abandoned them. They still got potatoes although they were mostly pebble sized .
Hope it all goes well, would be cool to see some pictures when you've got it all started
I am busy with work and will be organising all my growing over the Easter holiday. I have the IKEA indoor LED setup too which is really good.
Love your pictures. I am growing strawberries, raspberries and gooseberries and try some strange stuff. My daughter is small, so we just plant some seeds to see what will grow. And also my grandmom told me to get a sweet potato and grow some more...wondering how it will go.
I have already re-potted but mine started like this ... no messing just straight in the compost afterwards. Not as organised or tidy as your lovely plants.
That's a great idea Jamala! I already had all my pots but I'll be looking to reuse things I already have like the inside of toilet rolls if I run out.
I've just potted up some of my tomato seedlings. I have about another 50 outside still. Someone remind me not to plant the whole pack of seeds next time
How is everyone's stuff growing? Mine's taking over the kitchen! Can't wait to plant it all outside but not sure if it's too early?
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