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High Blood Pressure - Have you Taken Ramipril?

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I had a Doctors appointment yesterday and after some blood pressure monitoring (1 week) was told that I need to take Ramipril for the rest of my life to lower my BP! Left the surgery without really asking any questions.

Picked up my prescription this morning and have spent all day reading forums, side effects etc etc and I am so reluctant atm to take this medication.

I am in my 50's (female) and never had a problem with blood pressure in the past, fairly healthy etc, I do have a link to heart problems as my Dad passed away age 72 with heart disease and my brother at age 45 with a massive heart attack.

Just wondering if any one else on here has any experience with taking this medication as it's really worrying me at the moment. Thanks.

over a year ago
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My sympathies TiaTia. My Dad and Grandad both went at 77 without warning. You don't say how high BP is but I would go back to Doctor and voice your concerns, worrying will only put BP up. Mine was running high for a while and practice nurse suggested

reduce the amount of salt I eat - don't add salt to anything now

have a generally healthy diet - mainly white fish, salmon and chicken, veg and fruit

cut back on alcohol - none at all

lose a little weight - lost a little, but not going up

exercise regularly - walking a lot more 3 - 5 mile/day

cut down on caffeine - more tea and water now

stop smoking - never

try and stop stress - I retired early, now poor and happy rather than rich and dead

Result top line in now 127 - 135 rather than 155+ (the panic point was 190)

I know this will not suit everyone, and some will need medication, but it works for me


Hi Lilyflower sorry to hear about your Dad and Granddad 😞 . My readings have been around 180 to 187, never previously experienced high blood pressure. I don't add salt to my food either, don't really drink alcohol, could do with losing a little weight and more exercise definitely, only drink tea and squash, currently stopped smoking. I do have a stress related relationship with a family member at the moment though. But thank you for your ideas, I have also been contemplating retiring early too. πŸ‘


TiaTia Best thing my partner and I did - retire early. Went as soon as savings gave us the equivalent of weekly state pension, yep things are tight but no stress, no sitting in traffic for hours, no hassle, no getting up at an unearthly hour, no BP for either of us and his was UP - bliss


lilyflower Yes retiring early is certainly in the planning at the moment too, just a bit scary being as state pension is still over 13 years away but trying to make the figures work for me 🀣


TiaTia 13 years ouch. Good luck with the figures, just remember health comes first. We only have 4 πŸ™‚


lilyflower It seems like a long way off I know, but if your anything like me days turn into months and months into years so quickly theses days that it's really not that far away 😯 . Decisions, decisions ha ha.


Hi Tia, I agree with lilyflower. I have been on the tablets for hbp for many years, can't even remember how long but low dose and it has never been put up. I hate taking them but weight control is almost impossible due to underactive thyroid. I think doctors often find it quicker and easier to write a prescription rather than to give advice on how to reduce it naturally which most patients ignore. Plus it keeps the drug companies rich and doctors get incentives.

If you feel really strongly maybe talk to your surgery nurse.


Hi Lynibis thanks for replying and agree with what your saying, I take it you've not had any side effects from your blood pressure tablets? Maybe when I go and see the Pharmacist i'll have a chat with her first and express my concerns.


Hi Tia Tia, I am sorry to hear about your dad and your brother. It's a good idea to contact your gp maybe for a phone consultation if that is quickest way to ask any questions you may have as you weren't prepared yesterday. It must have been a shock to you. If you are experiencing any pain then it can higher your bp. My friend takes ramipril ,but, she has a heart condition and her bp is controlled. I hope you can talk to your doctor and that he/she can reassure you. Sending best wishes x I forgot to say it may be worth asking if they will take readings again in a week but it would depend on how high your previous readings were. Take care and I hope everything goes well πŸ’–


Hi Dani1 yes it was a shock to me yesterday and caught me off guard as I didn't ask the questions that I have had time to think about now, so been trying to do some research on the computer today and don't like the sound of the side effects (I know these don't affect everybody though). I don't have any pain related illness thank goodness, but as I said to Lynibis I will have a chat firstly with the Pharmacist and see what she has to say.

Thank you for you best wishes and kind thoughts, much appreciated. πŸ˜€


Hi TiaTia I completely understand the shock.I truly hope that ramipril will work for you too and that you will not suffer from any side effects. That's a good idea to talk to a pharmacist also. Honestly there's no need to thank me. I truly wish you all the best and hope you aren't worrying as much x


Dani1 That's great to hear that you've not had any side effects, wishing you all the best too. ❀️


TiaTia Thanks so much. I hope everything goes well for you too ❀️ ❀️


Dani1 Thanks for your reply I just don’t wants to do any comment on there question πŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜Šedit: How to Deal with Annoying Members? πŸ™πŸ»


Sanitation1234 I understand why and I hope you have a lovely weekend 😍


Dani1 Thanks 😊edit check joke of the day I think someone need it I normally don’t post jokes but πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ»


Sanitation1234 ? No sure what you mean!


TiaTia I am sorry dear I was telling Dani1 about other question because they replied in different questions for me ( How to deal with annoying person) I just want to say thanks I was looking for them and I found them in this question and I replied back I am sorry if I bother youπŸ™πŸ»


Sanitation1234 Ha ha no problem as long as I didn't annoy you with my question πŸ˜„ .


TiaTia not at all I am sorry I hope you will be ok soon I feel guilty for asking you now but yesterday was worse day of my life i am sorry 😐 again πŸ™πŸ»


Sanitation1234 No worries, sorry to hear you had a bad day yesterday and I hope today has been easier for you 🀩


I haven't had to take that medication so I can't help you there I'm sorry but I was told back when I was 19!!! That my blood pressure was high and I needed to do something about it. Changing my diet and exercise has helped me lose 3 stone and now my BP is absolutely fine. I don't know your circumstances but if you're reluctant to take the tablets maybe see if there are some other ways like diet and exercise to bring your BP down. All the best of luck x


HannahSunderlan so glad to hear that you don't need to take tablets for HBP and well done to you for losing weight, yes more exercise is definitely on my to do list.


If you take the rampril at night, as its an ACE inhibitor and the side effect is a dry cough. If you take at night it avoids the cough. Also, if you pay for prescriptions, get a pre-payment certificate, as they will save you money over the year. Available from https://www.chemist-4-u.com/12-months-prepayment-certificate-and-premium-delivery


Hi decom thank you for that information, I had read it was best to take the medication before going to bed and my doctor had said I would probably get a dry cough. Would certainly take advantage of the prepayment certificate if the prescription is going to be monthly, thanks for the advice.


Take as gp advises. Side effects are just a β€œcould happen” it doesn’t mean they will and it’s a calculated risk. Try a holistic approach alongside mindfulness is a good place to start


Hi KimEwbank thanks for the advise and mindfulness is a good start.


I’ve always avoided going on meds for hypertension, as I knew it’ll be something I’d end up needing to take for the rest of my life. Everyone I know who are on meds seem to have side effects from the meds, so I don’t want to trade one condition for another


hspexy yes certainly a decision that I will have to come to in the end, I just need to get my head around everything as happened so quickly.


Hi TiaTia I have been on tablets for hbp for roughly 25 years now, they have changed over the years and I currently take ramipril, amlodipine and bisoprolol. When you initially take them you might feel a little bit odd or light headed when your BP first drops. Personally I would rather take my chances with the tablets than a stroke. I do think that even if you start taking them, if you change your lifestyle and stress levels and your BP is under control naturally, you dont have to necessarily be on them for life. I think that is definitely a 'worse case scenario'. Good luck, it will just be good to get the BP under control πŸ™‚


Hi Janhrrs 25 years is certainly a long time to have been taking blood pressure tablets, but must be doing the right job for you. Yes definitely need to get my blood pressure under control, thank you for the advice πŸ˜„


TiaTia you are very welcome. It is concerning taking tablets, I have a few illnesses that could be serious without medication so I have to take them all at the moment. Finally, moving this year and changing our lifestyle so there will be much less stress, I'm hoping that this will mean I can drop some of the 13 odd tablets I take every day πŸ˜‚ I rattle. Really wish you well.x


Janhrrs Wishing you all the best with your house move and hopefully the change will be good for you and you'll manage to knock some of them tablets on the head. πŸ˜€


This NHS guide to Ramipril should answer most of your questions:


Like all medicines, ramipril can cause side effects in some people, but many people have no side effects or only minor ones. Side effects often improve as your body gets used to the medicine.

Whenever I read the leaflet that comes in the box with any medicines the potential side effects always sound alarming! But generally it's only a tiny minority of people that get them, and if you do, you can usually switch to a different medicine.


Johnny many thanks I have read the link that you have provided.πŸ‘

It has been good to hear other peoples experiences too. πŸ˜€

It all just happened so quickly with the Doctor, there was no discussion just told my BP was high and take these tablets once a day. It wasn't until I got home and sat down that all the questions were coming into my head.

Yes quite agree the leaflets provided with any medication can be pretty alarming to say the least.

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