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Unilever has vowed to stop marketing its products to children in order to tackle rising obesity rates

if only obesity in kids is the only problem...they probably ought to ban the ads targeting adults too?

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I don't blame childrens obesity on the foods they eat. For instance our school all 5 years Olds have a growth exam and one child was classed as obese over weight but done 5 nights a week sport activity but to look at her she slim. I understand the ones they picking at here are (tellytubbie looking),these ones have pretty much no exercise drive 2 streets away maybe to school instead of that 5 min walk due to laziness and yes parents and adults same. I have ate what I won't when I won't same has my kids but because they do a good hour walking a day I wouldn't say they fat.

Think I have put this comment correctly


I don't mind seeing advertising for new products, such as Magnum Ruby or Ben & Jerry’s Netflix and Chill'd, as it lets me know they are available. Otherwise, I tend to just ignore ads. I get most of my scoops from local ice-cream parlours that do little or no advertising beyond their social media pages. So any potential ban would have no impact on my purchasing habits. Most adults know the difference between healthy and unhealthy food, but many still gravitate towards items that aren't very nutritious, because that's what they like the most. The best way to encourage people to make better dietary decisions is to make healthy food, gym and sports club memberships very cheap.


I agree. After a while, most ads do just get ignored anyway, and most people are probably enticed by food when they see offers in front of them. Healthy food just always seem very expensive


I think they should reduce the sugar level....or use natural sugars....just do all 2 and make a natural ice lolly

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