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Bad With Injections

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Has anyone else had any bad experiences when having any sort of Injections done..

I had a blood test today and as I anticipated .. around after 10 seconds after the nurse was done .. I had this very horrible feeling washing over me .. like I was going to be sick.. and to my horror I was being sick 🤢.. (not nice seeing or smelling the contents of your breakfast mixed with hydrochloric acid) .. the nurse then took me to the toilet ..where I had no energy.. so she had to hold me along the way..i.was seeing double and felt like life was being sucked out of me.. sounds really dramatic ..but I really hate going through it. It happens whenever I have any sort of an injection.. reminds me of secondary school when the nurse needed to inject me for some jabs i think it was for polio or something of the sort ..I was petrified and the nurse was like okay just talk to me about something as a distraction whilst she puts the needle in.. so then I was filling the poor nurse in about how Max and Stacey were having an affair on EastEnders 😂😂.. I then had the the same side effects .. really does feel horrible..😣

The nurse said some people get scared at the sight of needles which causes this reaction.. im not sure of that's the case with me as I'm not afraid of the needle or it going in.. I don't particularly enjoy it but who knows.

Anyone else experience such a thing ..

P.s. I still get travel sickness if I were to go from Birmingham to London in a car/coach not sure if that's related or not

over a year ago
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I'm just the same hun I'm no good with needles either x hope you feel better soon x 💖 Image


Loislane aww thanks for that virtual hug 🤗 yes I feel much better thankyou xx


Nadiaparveen I'm glad hun x 💖


The record for getting blood out of me was 2 and a half hours not sure i have vains.

When i was young dentist gave me gas when both arms black and blue and apologised to my dad only I was injured party but he ignored me and my mum we changed dentist after that


Imnotcheap blimey


Not really good with needles. I hate having my blood taken its the worst as nurses at my local GP are rough and leave me with huge bruises. At my last GP bruises were small or non existent


chelseaturpin ohh yes that's another point .. some nurses/doctors have a rough hand which makes the whole experience worse


That bruising is often caused by the plaster they put on after the injection, I used to be a blood donor and they started to not put a plaster on afterwards (just asked to firmly hold a swab on for a short time). My advice is if a plaster is put on after an injection or blood being drawn to remove it as soon as practical.

I've noticed that if I don't remove the plaster after a short time there will be a bruise, where the plaster was, when I eventually remove the plaster.


I used to have a phobia of needles. When I was pregnant with my first son I passed out a couple times having bloods done, but then my parents were diagnosed with cancer, I was taking them back & forth constantly for appointments. I saw them having bloods taken almost on a weekly basis, then I was ill myself for a short time & had to have bloods taken alot during a short hospital stay. Even tho I can never give blood easily I just became desensitized to it & now it doesnt bother me at all.


Glitterandgold bless you xx


I had a flu jab at the beginning of last year and had about 4 months of a sore arm where I was injected. It was nothing horrible just achy. It was like my immune system was attacking my own arm in some way I guess because of the influx of dead viruses. I have decided against having future flu jabs.


BonzoBanana my Inlaws says same arm aches for about a week with them. I don't normally have but this year am paying to get one


I’m the exact same, it’s always with blood tests and often with injections.. it’s not the sight of the needles or thinking about it (so distractions don’t work!) but I think it’s my blood pressure dropping suddenly.. eating before or lying down makes no difference for me, it’s just something you have to put up with unfortunately!


I always panic a bit prior to injections but get on with it OK - just a small prick (said the actress to the bishop...). I do sympathise though - I went to get my ears syringed years and years ago and ended up projectile vomiting, that was pretty embarrassing. 😂


SuzJ oh God poor you 😬🙈

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