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King Arthur - Evidence He Was Scottish

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Just read an article that states evidence has been found that King Arthur, one of England’s most famous legends, was actually Scottish.

Did anyone know or suspect this?


over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

'where he claims Arthur spent seven years as King of the Picts from 539-526'.

Well, just that sentence made me think what a load of old tosh. A legend is just that, a legend. It says he lived in Scotland for a while (supposedly) but not born there. I would take the whole article with a pinch of salt. None of the names tally and there is more proof of a Cornwall connection than Scottish. We will never know the truth so I am not sure why people like this speculate but offer no real proof.


I thought he was a Roman or on their side against the Saxons.


Was he ever English, I'm not sure England even existed back then plus the folklore has lots of supernatural nonsense related to it, lady of the lake etc. You might as well debate whether the tooth fairy was English. There could have been multiple Arthur's in history that get confused as the same. Seems to be Wales, Cornwall, England and now Scotland all have a claim to the legend of King Arthur but really its just b******t. Maybe we will eventually end up with a story where the Lady of the Lake is actually the Loch Ness monster.


I thought king Arthur was a legend based on 3 different men from different times

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