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Kirstie Allison's Smashed Her Son's Ipad


Just been reading reading that kirstie Allison's smashed her kids I pad. They played out side permitted time. She said she would smash them and she did.

I think she was right to do it. Because she told them she would do it. And she did. Kids

play to much on there I pad tablet or lap top. That was a very hard lesson for them. I think they thought she would not do it.

What do you think was sh e right or was she wrong to do it ⌨⌨🖱💻

over a year ago
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If you threaten that you will do something if a child continues to misbehave/break the rules then you have to follow through with it or the child will think they can get away with the behaviour. She was right to do it as that is what she threatened. However, I wonder what steps she had taken before this one. Like confiscated the ipads/ turning the wifi off if they go over the time. I just think it is a very expensive lesson, not just for the children but her too.


I think she did the right thing. But your right she could of turn of the WiFi. But like I was saying to hspexy if they want a new iPad tablet or a lap top they should save there pocket money. If I wanted any thing I had to save my pocket money. 🌷🌷🌷


nicolajaynehend I agree they should now have to pay for their own one if they want another one. I wouldn't have smashed the ipads personally. I would have wiped the ipads of all the information and then sold them and kept the money. That way they are still learning a lesson and you aren't wasting money!


She had to follow through - if she warned the kids and took no action, they’ll have one over her for life. And if the kids now want another iPad as a replacement, they ought to earn that right. With the way things get discarded these days, you’d think money grew on trees! Lol


I all think she did the right thing if they want a new I pad. Tablet or lap top. They should save there pocket money. That's what had to do. If wanted any thing. 🦉🦉


She definitely did the right thing in following through with her threat. You cannot back down in these matters as it would just undermine her authority. Children needs rules and boundaries and you can bet your life they'll think twice next time!


I bet they were in shock that she did.it . If they want a new one they should save there pocket money. If I wanted any thing that what I had to do.🌷🌷🌷


Great... And than she can go and buy new ones for the kids..


No I would tell them to save there pocket money. That's what I had to do. Then they can have a new iPad tablet or laptop.🌷


nicolajaynehend pocket money is still her income, it would be easier to shut down the net, the WiFi or just switch off electricity


I am sure she is an excellent mother so I would not dream of being critical. Plus, we all know what it's like to lose it on occasion. I would like to think I would have taken it away and not given it back for a couple of days, lesson then learned hopefully. So, I do not think she was right or wrong, but then I am a Libran!

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