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Leicester Returning to Lockdown Due to Increase in Covid Cases

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A serious warning to all how much of a knife edge we are on regarding the pandemic raging around us .

There are a range of reasons why Leicester is particularly vulnerable to this disease but we should all be aware that, contrary to some beliefs , this isn't going away any time soon .

Many areas of England , perhaps your town/city , are on the verge of being returned to Lockdown . It would only take a few dozen more cases in these areas for this to happen .

Think of the near riots and non socially distanced protest marches 10days ago , think Liverpool or Bournemouth a few days ago .

Those folks will have returned to their home towns /cities . Returned to their families , friends and Grandparents . Some will have inevitably brought the disease back with them .

OK another couple of weeks without shops and Pubs wont kill anyone - but the disease most certainly will .

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I think we have reached a stage where the majority of people don't bother taking precautions any more, especially around family.

Even in medieval times they knew better than to gather in large groups or go on protest marches during the time of plagues!


I think it is a great idea, especially when it comes to protecting lives.


Whats stopping anyone in Leicester just leaving the city and driving to a different county and going to say primark and spreading the virus? I dont know how much it will work.


This is the problem everywhere with everyone. The daily bad news with hundreds of deaths, overflowing hospitals and elderly folk dying in care homes has all ceased. This gives people a false sense of it fading away and of no longer being a danger.

There will always be belligerent people who think laws don't apply to them or 'no one tells me what to do' attitude. They are a danger to all and they don't give a damn.


Lynibis Yep like the guy at Bournemouth beach who doesnt believe the virus is real as he doesnt know anyone who has had it!


Getsome must be a nutter as even the most depraved government could not ruin an economy, publish death statistics and pretend there is a killer virus on the loose.


Lynibis Yep and its not just him, i was out in lidl and some couple who put a mask on and hand sanitzer but then come and stood practically on top of me. I saw a pic of 2 people who put covid protected drinking because they had masks on but were basically cuddling each other, eh?! For some people to believe it they need to see someone die in front of them.


In Scotland, our parks and shops have opened again, but with restrictions. I haven't ventured out to either. The furthest I've gone during the pandemic was to the hospital because of my sons cardiologist appointment. I would rather have to stay in for a bit longer than get the virus or one of my loved ones getting it.


I live about 30 miles from Leicester , so not in the lockdown zone .

Unless the police rigorously enforce the "essential travel " only rule /law it is hard to see people not getting in their cars and driving 20 or 30 miles to other towns and cities ( Coventry, Derby , Nottingham , Peterborough etc ) to shop .

The area is full of lovely country pubs which will be opening in 3 days . The police will be busy ! Will there be road blocks on each of the hundreds of roads out of the city ?


We are about 80 miles from Leicester but I feel sure of them were up here at the local beach when the sun last shone! The virus is all around and we should all be as vigilant as we can. Take no risks!🐞


I gave up trying to help via posts on social media and here a while ago. People are morons. The UK government are a bit crap. Let's all just continue do the right thing and hope others follow. The people who are ******* this up for the rest of us will just scroll past your post. They do not care.


Folks ignore things when it suits them . I've stuck by the guidance as it has evolved because I know the importance of it .

If everyone had stuck by the rules we would have beaten this thing weeks ago . As the lockdown rules were eased it became impossible to police and gave the idiots a "free pass" to do as they pleased .

I'm sure when calculating the next steps the government and its scientists know that only about 80% of the population will follow the guidance and act accordingly .

The contact tracers are only managing to contact 75% of people who have tested positive .

Why ? We can only presume that at least 25% caught it in places or with people where they should not have been and haven't got the bottle to admit it , even though it puts many people at risk .

Thanks to the 80 - 85% of us who have stuck to the guidelines it basically allows us , as a country, to move slowly forward even with the 15-20% of idiots and worse who through ignorance or stupidity do as they please .


Well said 👍


A lot of people in Leicester will resent the special treatment and simply ignore the lockdown by travelling outside of the city. This will likely put the surrounding areas at risk of increased infection rates 😷


Saw the centre of Leicester on the news today - loads of people young and old just ambling around with blank expressions ... Wot pandemic , Wot lockdown ! LOL .

Trouble is that lack of interest and lack of common sense is dangerous .

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