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Lock down to Continue past next Week in Wales

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Welsh Government Announces Lock down to Continue Past next Week In Wales

For those hoping to see end to lock down it looks increasing unlikely as the Welsh Government have taken the lead and announced that Lock down is to continue after next week .

Looks unlikely that the UK and Scottish governments will do anything other than follow this lead.

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I reckon that as long as they keep the schools closed, the lockdown will continue until they decide the schools need to be reopened. After all, they only started this lockdown after the majority of the schools were forced to closed


I think it will be a few weeks before anything starts to open, think they are watching what happens in China 1st


As of Thursday lunchtime in Wales the NHS appears to be currently coping well

All but one hospitals in Wales are currently reporting a “green” status or level one out of four levels of escalation.

About 47% of acute hospital beds in Wales are empty and 50% of critical care beds are available.

There are 816 people with Covid-19 in hospital today, with a further 344 suspected cases. One in three ( roughly 16%) critical care beds are occupied with people with coronavirus


Not surprising at all really, think we all are/were expecting it. Good to hear the NHS is coping well considering but we may not have fully hit our peak yet. But the lower rates of people getting infected is promising. Still away to go yet tho, then after all this the NHS has all the catch up of cancelled appointments & so on.


You are so right, the NHS is going to be playing catch up for a long time.


im not honestly bothered by lock down, my husband is always at work its nice to have him home with the kids. knowing we are all safe in our nest is nice also

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