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Any Money Saving Tips and Tricks

Money Saving

Open to any and all suggestions for saving money or even getting better use out of it

a year ago
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If you have spare money put in to savings or look at investing it somewhere. You can also look at cashback cards wether that be a credit card or something like chase, I use the chase card that gives 1% back for a year and does round ups that give 5%. Also do your homework of you looking at buying something particular then search for it and see if you can get it cheaper, use discount codes or cash ack websites to help or try negotiating.


ch7leach Cashback is for the first year only although the round-up goes on. I actually prefer the round-up.

Chase's Savings Account is only of 2.1% AER so it is lower than others, but the money can be accessed at any moment.


PhilipMarc yeah I mentioned it was for the year, wish it was longer but still it's giving you something back. I douse the round up and keep that going to keep getting interest but again you can take it out when you want. The savings despite lower than some banks does not appear to have a limit that I have seen and as you said can access when ever you wish and not be penalised


just basically do whatever you and your family/partner/dog are happy with, if it means having a curry on christmas day you do it.


My money saving tip is to spend less money and only buy what you really need. For example do you have to order takeaways or buy carbonated pops, water, crisp, biscuits, peanuts, coffees, sandwiches. I have saved a lot of money since cutting out most of these unnecessary items.


jam45 yes I agree , my daughter always had cans of pop in the boots, admittedly bought on offer, always has Costa Coffees, and worst of all cigarettes , she has promised to try to give them up. Never any money!


i think cutting out the impulse buys. sometimes you see something and want it, if you resist buying it you will have forgotton all about it a few days later.


Look at your outgoings and cut out anything is unnecessary. Then put any money you save by doing this into a savings account.

Only buy what you need, don't do impulse buys. If you see something you like then ask yourself do I need it or just want it.

Batch cook things if possible, make the most of your freezer.

Make a budget and stick to it.

I am a spendthrift. I only buy what I actually need. Don't get me wrong, I will still treat my son to a new toy car every now and then, but even then it is factored into the budget.


Make a saving account and all the money left and the end put it in the bank and when ever you really need it uses like for emergencies . to make money you can do google surveys which pay u in money

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