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Using Multivitamins Could Increase Cancer Risk by 30%, Oncologist Claims

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Many people take multi vitamins to be healthy and try to increase their vitality

But according to this study taking them could increase your chances of cancer by 30%

When i first saw the headline i thought 'no way' , how can vitamins do this, something promoted as good for you ?

Then i read the article and it sort of makes sense

Flooding your body with excess vitamins can be a source of food for cancer cells , helping them to grow

I used to take multi vitamins years ago, then i decided to just take cod liver oil capsules, now i dont take either, i just try to eat healthily

Some may take this advice with a pinch of salt, also not healthy 😉

But should you be taking the risk ?


6 months ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

My doctor told me that most multivitamins are a waste of money because the body does not obsorb them, B3 is a total con, you need to a massive amount for the body to obsorb them


martinlufc5637 Thats one reason i stopped taking them , i read the same

I think cod liver oil itablets are the only ones that actually have some positive effect on joints

But i even stopped using them, i take olive oil naturally now over salads etc


Oh vegans won't be happy 😁


Leannexxx You are not far wrong there L 😀


Seen programmes on this. Apparently they just go straight through your system!


JLouM Yes i believe so J, it amazes me how these vitamin companies still exist, look at Holland and Barrett, it doesn't seem to have affected their business, yet


This reports seems to be mainly linked to B vitamins and where are the cancer cells? Are they in the stomach where the pills and food are broken down? It seems like it would accelerate the growth of existing cancer cells if you have them but perhaps reduce their possibility of existing if you don't already have them. Aren't most cancer cells going to be in various organs around the body or maybe the bloodstream.

Unfortunately we are missing a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients as we eat such heavily processed food so it could be a choice between a vitamin or nutrient deficit or taking supplements.

I've seen a huge amount of experts talk about the benefits of taking supplements and the research that shows how this reduces your risk of cancers, heart attacks, strokes etc.

As ever there is a huge amount of conflicting information.

However if you were trying to play the odds here perhaps only take B Vitamins with actual meals and don't take them at all if you have a family history of cancer or smoke or drink alcohol, factors that definitely increase cancer risks significantly.

I see no connection with taking omega 3 supplements and an increased risk of cancer in fact surely the reverse is true those would help protect you from cancer. Oily fish has a huge range of benefits to the body.

I eat very healthy salads on occasion which are incredibly nutritionally dense so why can't the cancer feed off those vitamins? It's almost like we are making the case for eating food that isn't very nutritious so the cancers have less nutrition to feed on.


BonzoBanana If i read it correctly B the study is saying taking too much of certain vitamins, so you are overloading your body with too much, and the cancer cells feed off the excess

As you say it may only apply to certain vitamins and people depending on their medical history, but at least we are aware of this now and can avoid overdosing on them too much , whats that saying, less is more , it can probably be applied here


I've just started taking multivitamins and iron as I was feeling a bit run down, it's only been around 6 weeks and my nails are the best I've ever had


jwhitaker537 Thats good to hear J

I expect vitamins can be beneficial if not taken in excess , some success could be down to belief also , i think the secret is moderation and not taking too much of certain vitamins or mixing too many causing adverse effects


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