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What's the Best Way to Take a Break from Multiple Roles in Life?

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I deadly need break from being mom and as wife and as daughter or as daughter in law or as assistant or as visible person . I desperately need break from everything and i need to sit and relax myself without think about anything or anyone 😕 carrying someone or something in mind is always heavy ....i need break ......

2 weeks ago
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We all go through stages of wanting a break from them all. Take care, it will pass x


Well take that break it's that simple tell your husband and mother,in law that your having a day off turn your phone off and go out let your hair down


If you can, carve a couple of hours a week as Me time, I know easier said than done but in the long run its worth it. My husband and I used to take it in turns to let the other have a lay in, so until X time it was if the other person wasn't there, then he took up golf ...😀 but I still had those few hours to myself


Thank you for ur responses ...


I work 365 days a year as a live-in carer, l haven't had a day off for at least 3years, I'm tired most days and would love someone to make me a cup of tea and sandwich or treat me to a manicure but nope, l plough on with all my aches and pains daily. The elderly bedbound gentleman l look after cannot afford bank carer rates as I'm on minimum wage and they charge £20 plus per hour...


Pinkspirit ..U r running in ur life but we should stop at one point and think y we running and for whom we r running and what yu had in ur life till ur day ...think of it and have some me time dr...soon we will get smooth path ...now i realized...soon u too will ...situations will change ...


Then take that break. Tell your husband you are having a few hours tk yourself and he needs to look after the kids.

Most of us are in that situation, we don't get a break or a chance to just sit and do nothing. Take the time for yourself.


Remember that feeling so well when my kids were young, I used to book to get my nails done every 2/3 weeks and that was my hr and half just for me. No one going “mum, mum” “Michele can u do” etc etc. I used to look so forward to that but as they say “this too will pass” and tbh it passes lot sooner than u think. It seems endless at time but now I feel like it flew in and I wish I’d enjoyed just hearing the kids call out to me etc. Think of it as getting to spend more time with them rather than the annoyance and never ending stress but do take time for u even if u just lock urself in bathroom for half an hour and take a luxury bubble bath r long hot shower

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