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How Do I Get Netflix and Amazon on Tv


Hi all I've been reading all the good shows on Netflix and amazon. How do you go about getting Netflix and amazon on your tv. There are some good show I would like to get. And do you have to pay so much a month. And is it the same with Amazon. I just don't know were to start. 📺📺📺📺

over a year ago
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Hi Nicola. Will give my tuppence worth even though you all know I am not very technological. Hopefully someone will correct anything I say that's wrong.

I have a smart tv so when I bring up the menu Netflix, Amazon and loads of other stuff are there ready to click on. However you DO need to subscribe and as far as I know it costs under £10 a month. I don't know because I am very lucky as each account can have about 5 televisions supplied from one account, I have Netflix from one relative and Amazon from another.

So I would ask around if any relatives have an account you could 'piggyback'. If not, and you are prepared to pay, just Google either one for an email address or phone number. If you do have a smart tv i think if you click on them it will offer the chance to subscribe.


Hi lynibis thank you ever so much for your help and time. I will look in to this. Iam a prime member with Amazon. Once again thank you. 🐧


Both of them have trials and I would encourage you to take the trials first and see if you need them both.I mostly use amazon prime and nowtv.If you are a student you can take advantage of a 6 month free amazon prime offer and £3.99 per month after.


Hi Alex's thank you for taking the time and trouble to reply to me. I will do the trials like you said. Then find which one I like the best. The price for Amazon is not bad a month. No I am not a student. Once again thank you for all your help. 🐧


I'm not very technical but you would be better off starting by getting a smart TV, then once connected up to the internet you should go to app store on your TV and download both Netflix and Amazon.


As others have mentioned you would need to subscribe to the service wether that be Amazon prime or netflix, you would also then need a smart TV or a way to make your TV smart by using a Chromecast (my preference) or fire stick or something similar.


I'm sure nicolajaynehend will have sourced which service she required as she asked the question OVER A YEAR AGO.

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