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NEW: Deals 'For You'

Latest Deals


My Dearest Deal Hunter,

For you, each morning we shall pull on our white cotton gloves, open great catalogues for every store, and turn every page to find your perfect product at your perfect price. For you, we shall write on gold letterhead with our fountain pens a tailored list of perfect deals. For you, a special carrier pigeon will carry the letter from a velvet cushion to your home. The letter will unfold magically, coffee by its side, and you may read it at your delight. The perfect deals, for you.

OK not really, but it would be cool!

The next best thing is a homepage that tailors deals for you.

A bespoke home page that adjusts to your interests as you like and dislike posts over time.

The new homepage is called “For You”.

  • It is only for members of Latest Deals who are logged in
  • It is on both the Latest Deals website and app
  • It is in ‘beta’, meaning it’s early days and we’d love your feedback
  • If you don’t want it you can switch your home page to ‘Popular’ or ‘Newest’ just as before
  • It is rolling out over the next couple of weeks. You may not notice any change. You do not need to do anything to get it.


Why are you doing this?

Our intention is to fix the eternal problem of deal hunting: what I think of as a good deal may not be what you think of as a good deal. And therefore, each homepage should be unique to the individual. We hope everyone sees more deals they like.

What if I don’t want it?

When you load the homepage the default filter view will be ‘For You’. You can change it to ‘Popular’ or ‘Newest’ which are how things were, and still will be for non-members.

I'm a deal poster. Will this affect how popular my deals are?

We hope your deals will be shown to more people who are genuinely interested in it and are more likely to like it. In terms of where your deal is shown, for non-logged in members the same ranking criteria applies as it has been. For logged in members it may show to some, it may not show to others.

How will it know what I like?

Tell it! The best way is by liking and clicking on deals of interest. Feel free to dislike those you don't.


Please help us identify any problems and bugs. If you see anything broken, acting strange, or if the results just seem bizarre... please, please, please take a screenshot and comment below with it.

Thank you for being a member of Latest Deals, I hope you enjoy the update. In a funny way, the best case scenario is you don't notice a thing. Everything just works and looks as it always did, but the deals you see just seem a bit more to your liking... 🤞

If not... maybe catalogues and carrier pigeons are the way to go...

2 weeks ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I know another deal site does this and it works well for me, i notice for them you can still click the “new” and “hot” tabs so it’s the same as what everyone else is seeing. I hope this site will have the same


jms19 Yes! You can change the homepage at any time from "For You" to "Popular" or "Newest".


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Tom Church
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Tom Church, Co-Founder
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