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Tech Forecast: What Will Be the Next Big Thing?

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what doe you think the future of technology or what gadgets which will excite the people more. Already most of the people are talking about GenAI

4 months ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Yes I think they already have the tech to do amazing things but its not hit mainstream markets as of yet, i remember watching a TED Talk with Elon Musk who predicted that all 'public transport' e.g. buses, trains etc would run under ground...

It's scary stuff! Elon musk paved the way with the first all self-driving electric car, now they are everywhere (electric cars).

He has also created a rocket that can land on a pad in the middle of the sea and relaunch again! I'd love to see inside that mans head lol.

Its giving me vibes of Tony Stark in his underground tech lab.


Already we have many things now. No doubt about more tech in future. I wish to have affordable robots to do home stuff


Much much we need from tech. Am sure we will get more and more in future. Tech will definitely rule for sure


Starting to remind me of the film ‘I Robot’ with all the AI


What happens when the Tech doesn't work??

May times at work especially at the other service 10 min walk away the Wifi DOESN'T work so you are hours doing Notes/ Training

Our daughter was absolutely in tears yesterday when she couldn't upload her work for Uni,she hadn't slept for 27 hours as she's such a perfectionist, doing everything & making sure it was correct before trying to upload it

I rang my Assistant Manager & asked for the day off so I could travel to Bradford with my partner who was off & we could bring our daughter back to Sheffield,I never take time off if I can help it,but I wanted to be with our daughter & comfort her.

My Assistant Manager told me to go & pick our daughter up & he would cover my shift I was due to work 2.30pm-9am,I messaged my friend/ colleague too,she completely understood,her daughter is a Radiographer 3 years older than our's went to same Catholic School but don'tknow each other,although my friend/ colleague 's daughter did say if our daughter needed any help with the Diagnostic Radiography Course she could ring her which was nice to know. My friend/ colleague told me her daughter went through many tearful episodes before she qualified & not to give up..

In the meantime, our daughter is in bed sleeping ,absolutely exhausted!


Makes me laugh.....we're always being told to keep fit and exercise and yet every new invention encourages a sedentary lifestyle. I remember when you had to get off your backside to change tv channels, open the garage door, answer the phone, walk to the shops rather than jump in the car or order online, put a record or cassette or turn a radio on for music and so it goes on. I can see a future of being chair bound with an electronic order pad router into a robot that does it all. No wonder we have an obesity crisis, almost unheard of when I was a kid.


Lynibis I remember when I was younger and watching the tv and sometimes you had to get up and move the tv arial around to get a better picture. Kids these days have it so much easier.


Sugarbabe ,I was doing just that in the tiny Sleep Room/ Office in a tiny flat on Saturday night,was on shift there from 10am to 1am then allowed to sleep til 9am before finishing chores & handing over at 10am.

I couldn't get a signal so gave up & watched the TV as it was ,it scrambled the picture so I would change channels then same would happen, I gave up in the end!!


Sugarbabe I remember making an arial out of a wire coat hanger S 😀


Tech is great but we don't need to much. Yes if I can have a better social life its great. Its great at work as we can use video clips and save lessons including what the kids write on the board and it can be reused


I don’t know but was promised Digital tv would be much better. In many ways it’s much, much worse. Self service tills charge you for random items you didn’t even have on your radar. I got a leg of lamb joint flash up when I don’t even eat it and always need to call for assistance every time. Computers need constant updates and battery refreshes and rely on networks - that don’t always work! Reboots etc. So whatever it’s going to be doesn’t excite me in the slightest. Less human contact and absolutely no talent either and more breakdowns without being able to sort it out effectively because- it’s another machine!


Mobile phone texts are the only real benefit of technology really.


The trouble with all this technology is its always out of date and something faster is available. We really need to try to make use of technology for longer. In the past a TV would last 7 years or more but it seems people are changing their technology much more quickly. We should take pride in trying to use technology for longer and wearing out what we have before buying something new.

If you replace people with AI then what do those people do without jobs? Rely on benefits or do less technical jobs that pay much less. Governments should look at the economy overall and what works financially rather than pay for AI that actually causes the country to be poorer overall.

Not all new technology is good technology either, often a lot is gimmicks or something that costs a lot more for marginal gains.

You can get a bicycle for free of freecycle or pay £15k for the latest, lightest carbon fibre road bike with electronic gears but in reality both do the same job and the free bike might actually have attributes that make it better, stronger, more comfortable, lower gearing for hills and less punctures etc. Of course it won't be as fast or as stylish but it still does the same job and you won't have to worry so much about it being stolen.

More complex stuff fails more often and you can apply that to many things. A german executive car full of electronic gadgets many of which are options which tend to be less reliable if added to the car rather than a built in feature plus the more complex higher performance engine more likely to fail. Sometimes simpler products are the right products, more reliable, cost less to buy and use long term, less to learn, less stressful.

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