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Private Health Care


so my doctors are being a bit of a pain.

i cant get appointments and when i do its like 35days away and im having problems with getting answers. wheres the best place to start with getting a private doctors help? as im finding it near on impossible with mine.

over a year ago
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Try searching Google for "same day private gp and YOUR LOCATION"


thank you il give this a go


Depending on what's it for, I've found ringing 111 out of hours usually gets you a GP appointment pretty quickly.


Do your Drs not do same day appointments? I ask because at my drs, if I rang anytime to make a general appointment theres usually a lengthy waiting time (typically several weeks)but they have a system where if you ring between 8am & 9am dr or nurse will ring you back for a quick chat & decide of they need to see you (same day).


They do emergency ones, however you get 5minuites and when ive used it previously (for an infection) got "told off" for using the emergency.


I was thinking of going for a private doctor as well as the healthcare is not the best when it comes to the GP. Otherwise it's great. Not sure who I would choose but I can't right now anyway. Maybe in the future


my gp is great when it comes to standard things but just not stuff that needs investigating further or any referrals seem a nightmare


Private healthcare is expensive, but I know people who have needed it and said it’s the best thing they’ve ever paid for, and would never live without it. There are some online healthcare apps available these days, where they may be able to refer you to a private physician


hi, thanks for your reply. i was actually looking online but alot ask for money before you can even see if its legit and that makes me wary.


dholly39 yeh they will as they’re banking on people’s need to see someone quick. As long as there are good reviews and the cost isn’t too high, it’s worth paying a bit for that peace of mind


I usually find it funny tht private healthcare use the same hospitals but you get better treatment and get seen quicker because you’re paying for the service direct and not through nhs. If you don’t want to feel like you’re using the same docs then it’ll be going tough Bupa


You need to get an insurance and after they will tell where can u go....


i didnt even realise you needed to do that! thank you for the advise im still in the mist of researching what to do


Lots of private hospitals and some Doctors surgeries will offer you Private appointment, but I don't believe they are cheap.

35 days seem a long time for an appointment have you considered changing doctors, alternatively phone you local health board and enquire with them about getting earlier appointments they may be able to help


in my area they only let you use your local doctors or they dont allow you on their list, its a bit of a pain as before i moved i had an amazing doctor!


All the GPs in my area are also private doctors, hence the waiting time to get an appointment. If you're OK with possibly having the same practitioner just to get seen faster then go for it, but it is expensive. If you can get past the hitler receptionists insist that you need to see a GP quickly, they do have emergency appointments kept aside each day, they just don't like admitting it


i try not to use emergency since i got told off once lol i had a great doctor before we moved its crazy


dholly39 I had to book an emergency appointment once as I was in so much agony I could barely move and I ended up going in in a wheelchair. The doctor asked if I thought it was genuinely an emergency in a very condescending manner and I broke down in tears. He then said he would only prescribe 2 days worth of tablets at a time as I was obviously suicidal! I wasn't I just hurt in places I didn't know I had. So I do understand why you're reluctant, but they are breaking the patients charter by not seeing you in a set time frame, so it depends on whether you can wait the length of time they have offered or not


Dilligaf thats terrible that they treated you like that! you are right i keep ringing and cant get any appointments still so im pretty much left with just doing the emergency and biting the bullet, might have to just grow a pair and take the "telling off" lol


dholly39 in my new surgery the receptionists used to ask everyone the reason for seeing a doctor, one guy turned round and winked at all in the waiting room before telling her he had an issue with his genitalia and proceeded to describe it, eventually she ran off saying I will get someone to ask you in a private room, he then turned to us and said 'none of that was true, I'm only here to collect the blood samples, but they needed to learn a lesson'. Not saying you should do that, but it would work 😉. Good luck


NHS has had it - private is where its at and has been for a long time although the care you might receive in private in my experience might just be as bad as NHS even if you dont have to go on a waiting list and be taken immediately as i found out when my girlfriend went private and received dire treatment and then had to go home to Slovakia to get proper medical treatment - the NHS is dead in the water and private is not much better in this country sadly!


see thats what puts me off paying for it if its not much better. it is sad when you think of it, id hate for illnesses to be missed with my kids


dholly39 Take them to Slovakia or Czech republic the medical treatment out there is second to none or if you can afford it Singapore!

Going into an NHS hospital is literally like taking your life into your hands when i compare it to the year i spent in hospital when i was 10 years old with matrons and proactive nurses and doctors who actually cared about the hypocratic oath but now just care about the prestige it brings them in their communities and the amount of money they can accumulate!

We have witch doctors pulling heads off babies and injecting people with food into their lungs - I mean how can that possibly happen?

Scares the hell out of me thats why i dont take any sort of tablet and do all my own self diagnosis on the internet now!

Since i stopped taking medication and doing my own thing havent had so much as a cold for the last 5 years!

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