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A Question for the Older Folk on Here

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This Morning had an item about a 71 year old lady who is refusing to pay a parking fine of £160. She went to pay at the pay station but it would not accept cash (out of order) and it was telling her to pay via app. She had no idea how to install the app let alone pay by it and said she only uses her phone for texts and calls which is pretty much same as me although i use maps when driving and have the nectar app.

I got a bus pass recently but have no idea of the routes, bus numbers, how to get from A to B and as you get older the bus stop can be too far to walk. However i am a capable driver and would much sooner have received a parking permit than a bus pass. When i am too old to drive i will probably be too old to get a bus!

So my question is: What would you prefer, parking permit or bus pass?

5 months ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Often people get caught out when they have to pay parking online. This week on our local Facebook page a kind lady paid for a gents parking because his phone was so old and no internet.


Pjran I actually dread parking these days. I'd say 3 times out of 5 I have a problem and I consider myself quite tech minded for my age. I prefer to use cash but nearly every time it's card only or app or no longer take cash.


Lynibis i

Im happy to swipe a card rather than downloading an app just to pay.


Pjran yes, I would be happy if it was as simple as swiping a card. Can't see why it can't be. Parking is just so expensive where I live, they must make a fortune. £2.50 for 2 hours, £3.60 for 3. The machines have the buttons scratched out by morons who think it funny so it's such a faff every time.


Bus Pass for me as I/we don't have a car and it also gives half price on local network train up to a certain distance.


lilyflower that makes sense although I've been told my bus pass does not give any discount on trains.

I go to a local hub for olduns, table tennis, yoga, etc, most cost £6 a session and add £3.60 for parking and it's nearly £40 per month which is a large slice of pension. Definitely couldn't go to two classes a week and yet they talk about elderly being lonely and not getting out.😒


Lynibis I'm fortunate that the bus station is only 10 min walk and has a very good service to various larger towns or even Newcastle. The train will only get me 23 miles (one train per hour) but does get me to and past the main line.


I never learned how to drive so will always be a bus pass for me.I just hit 60 and was delighted to get an Oyster pass but I can't use it until after 9am and have to start work before that now we have to stay on until 67 so it's kinda counterproductive.


Personally I would prefer a Bus Pass. I only said yesterday that technology has taken over and It has. I had someone just the other week ask me what Is TikTok only because the band was playing live and they mentioned It. I don’t visit my local town because of the Meter Maids (Parking Meters). I shop In a Supermarket Instead. The Councils make enough money off us already and I refuse to pay £1 for an hours stay. Where I already come from the Parking Is FREE and It can house 3000 cars. Nowadays everything Is via online or an app. If the Machine Is down what else are you meant to do unless you are technology savvy. I hope the lady contests her fine and win.


I can't see the point in trying to make you pay a car parking fee by card as it is usually such a small amount - I paid £3 for 4 hours last week. If it wasn't cash I don't know what I would do as my phone doesn't have internet either so I can't pay that way.

I don't want to go anywhere by bus which is just as well as I'm not on a bus route so it has to be a permit for me.... please. 👍


tumblespots car parking fees are atrocious. The one I mentioned above isn't even town centre and the price goes up the more hours you need. £1 = 1 hour, £3.60 for 3. And they wonder why the high st. is dying. I haven't been on a bus for about 40 years and tbh I don't like the thought of it. I don't suppose they are regularly cleaned inside so goodness knows what you're sitting on or touching.

I always err on the side of caution and put an hour more than I need on car as you never know when you will be held up.

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