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Russia Banned from Sport for Four Years

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Russia banned for four years to include 2020 Olympics and 2022 World Cup

Russia has been handed a four-year ban from all major sporting events by the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada).

It means the Russia flag and anthem will not be allowed at events such as the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics and football's 2022 World Cup in Qatar.


Do you think this is fair as a punishment?

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I don't believe Russia are the only country that uses illegal drugs to enhance performance. I'm sure the UK and USA etc does. But Russia are always the bogey men who we are all meant to hate and fear. I don't like the country following the my experience there when I spent 2 days in Russia 4 years ago so I'm not bothered if they can't take part.


You are right other athletes from countries can/do also take drugs, Lance Armstrong comes to mind and that was a complete fiasco. I also agree that Russia is portrayed as a country to be feared. ๐Ÿž


That's really unfair and another obvious sign of Russophobia. ๐Ÿ˜•

If they're really against drugs, they wouldn't have to dig deep to find that other countries have its culprits, too.

Most of the West (govts + media) hate Russia and blame them for everything even if it's not their fault, but Russia is a Western country too. Russians are Europeans, specifically Slavics. I kinda wish I was Germanic or Slavic, but Latin is great too.


Si Senor. Why certain nations slated by so many other countries is surely not in the interests of world peace? (Not that that is ever going to happen). I assume it is because they are fear them and their influence? ๐Ÿž


Most of the people use something in sports. It is really depends what they find legal and what is illegal.

I do not think so because of someone`s fault other people should be punished for years. They only do checks on individuals. In my view all should be out who uses anything what increases performance and than no one would be there.


That's a good point, they do have regulations on what is allowed and what isn't, so what one person takes may or may not give them a ban. I agree that to stop a whole country entering is crazy. It's the individual responsible not the country. Imagine if we had a lot of drug failures and they told The UK thaat they couldn't do sport for years - they would be stamping their feet and exclaiming how unfair it was. ๐Ÿž


Yes, this is an appropriate punishment given that cheating has essentially been sanctioned and facilitated by Russian sporting bodies and the state. This is very different from individual athletes or coaches breaking the rules.


Good point, if it comes from 'on high' then perhaps it is justified but when push comes to shove are we sure that it doesn't happen in other countries too but that it is covered up better? ๐Ÿž


tumblespots I'm sure it happens, but the World Anti-Doping Agency can only act if there is proof. At the World Aquatics Championships earlier this year there were swimmers who refused to stand on the winners podium with the Chinese swimmer Sun Yang, who had previously been banned for taking drugs - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/swimming/49101644


Thanks, that was a good article - I had not seen that. If there is proof that Sun Yang also cheated in that swim then I believe he would have the gold medal taken away. But you can see Duncan's point having to share the podium with someone who clearly did cheat on a previous occassion, it must rankle with him. It did surprise me though that although Duncan received a warning letter for inadequate behaviour, surely Sun should have received the same for calling Duncan a loser? That's poor too. ๐Ÿž


Why only Russia I'm sure they're not the only country that they've been doping/ using drugs i thinks its fair but ban other countries that do it too

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