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SCART Cables Were a Lot Better than I remember


I thought SCART cables were a tad annoying because 1) some of them were chunky, 2) didn't work properly (no video, but it had audio), and 3) it needed to be connected in a specific way... Turns out that for the 2nd point that I used cheap cables so I had an inferior SCART experience. lol

Most here don't even use SCART anymore or even know what it is anymore. Oh well.

2 months ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Always seemed considerably more robust than an ethernet cable to me.


I remember betamax video recorder so I know about these and black and white tv 📺


I used to make custom scart cables for my computers back in the day, you can get 3 levels of video from scart, RGB (fantastic), S-video (previously called SVHS video and good) and composite (crap). When you used to get a European TV like a Ferguson, Thomson, Philips with a proper RGB scart socket where the signal went direct to the guns of the tube the RGB picture was amazing, such vivid colours. You had to make sure the RGB switching voltage connection was there though or it defaulted to composite.

Newer TV's don't have scart at all and the TV's of the recent past that did often didn't have RGB enabled. Between S-video and RGB scart was component video which is another great standard that allowed for higher resolutions like 720p and 1080i but wasn't quite as vivid as RGB in colours. Scart RGB is basically the same as VGA except only for standard definition interlaced signals.

I used to work in Comet for a short while and got bonuses for selling overpriced scart cables and appliance extended warranties.


I remember scart cables, and I thought they were a pain at times, but you can still buy them


HDMI cables aren't much better unless you pay £40+ for a certified one, the cheaper versions are rubbish and don't last long


martinlufc5637 I haven't had much problems with HDMI cables unless it's a newer device and it requires a newer cable version, so at first glance it seems the cable is faulty, but actually it's incompatible/outdated.

I've a lot of old HDMI cables and for use with PS4/PS5 they're useless although for use with a PS3 or Xbox 360 they're perfectly fine.


martinlufc5637 I've bought decent hdmi cables off Aliexpress for about £1.80 including VAT and shipping. They have actually been very decent cables. I don't think you need to spend huge amounts on hdmi cables unless you need a very long cable. I don't think I've ever needed a cable longer than 3 metres and normally for me the standard 1.2m length is fine.


BonzoBanana yeah I never had any issues with the standard cables, it's the 4k leads I've had problems with, they don't last long


Talking bout scart cables I was clearing out cupboards etc last weekend and came across a load of them. I don’t use them anymore and threw them out. I didn’t think anyone used them anymore, I thought it was another thing that had become redundant in this day and age. Just seems every few yrs there’s better way to do things, either that or I’m just getting older 😂


I find hdmi cables a lot more convenient and less breakable but i do get some nostalgia from seeing old tvs etc.

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