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How to Sell on eBay?


I currently use Depop to sell my unwanted items but wondering how easy it is to sell on eBay as it is a more popular platform? Definitely considering it.

over a year ago
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I've bought plenty of things on ebay but don't know whether it's worth the hassle for indivuals to sell; listing, packing arranging delivery, paying fees to ebay and paypal etc. I sometimes wonder if some run at a loss,

I think I'll stick to giving (or throwing) anything I don't want away.😀


I sell my sons clothes that he no longer wears as its usually good named stuff. I also sell some of my granddaughters clothes that shes grown out of so my daughter can put the money away for her or put it towards new stuff. I have sold a car on there for my brither and the hassle i had was rediculous. Selling smaller items is ok as long as you dont expect to get rich 😊


I recall the hassle you had selling the car - didn't you have to pay to list it a second time after a time waster from Belgium messed things up?


davidstockport yep... it was a real hassle. In the end I ended the listing early and sold the car on gumtree !! So I paid twice to list the blooming thing and never sold it through eBay.... listed it for free on gumtree it sold within a day !!! It’s the last time I try to sell a car on eBay that’s for sure 😩😂😂

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