Tesco Pay at Pump
Bought petrol over a week ago and they have taken a pound but not even attempted to take the rest! I'm now constantly checking my account because of the fizzy bath thing so don't want any surprises!

I have only used 'pay at pump' once and as you say they took a pound but a few days later it appeared at the proper amount. Just give a few days and it should correct itself.

MumOfThree It does seem rather a long time doesn't it, I am sure mine didn't take that long. Keep the money on one side with the receipt and foreget about it. If anything turns up you will still have the money and proof of the fuel you had.

That's weird. I thought they just take it there on the day? The receipt should show that you've paid for it? I must check my accounts now. Always thought it was the amount on the receipt is what I have paid.

Could it be that you haven't used that card at that garage before - I recently had to update my card number online (because of new card being issued). £1 was taken just to verify all details were correct. If, as you suggest, you were caught up in the fizzy bomb thing, and cancelled your old card this MIGHT be the reason for just one pound being taken. I will assume that when the correct payment goes through the system that one pound will be deducted.
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