Do You Think People Ordering More than One Freebie is Being Greedy?
Especially the ones where there are limited amounts? For example only 1000 samples and someone has ordered 5 with various emails. Or do you think it's first come first served and if they got 5 then good for them? (5 is an arbitrary number).
Probably is a trifle greedy if it stops others receiving who may really want to try something. However, I personally don't see the point of freebies at all. Is anyone's life enriched or improved by receiving a squirt of face oil or a teabag?
If you're not here for the freebies? What are you here for ? Just the deals? Some freebies are really good. For example, the glossybox from simplybe or sometimes stuff you always use anyway.
GlitchHunter no I am here for the competitions and chat. Most on here are a lot more friendly and polite than fb (which I deleted due to bad language and offensive posts).
I sent off for loads of freebies to start but in the main was disappointed and didn't receive anything worthwhile so decided to leave for those who do want.
Lynibis I have a general thinking that if I apply it's never guaranteed I will get it so I'm not disappointed and if I do get one it's like a bonus. I only apply for things I will use. Never those little perfume samples lol
Yes I think so. I don't really order freebie much anymore (I've tried for a few over the last couple of weeks) but in the past I would see people with 5 or 6 of each item and other people didn't manage to get 1. I thought that was a bit o.t.t.
Yeah, I feel like that sometimes, like it's not fair for to not allow more people to get at least one each but then is that other people's fault for being slow? Hmmm
To be honest some freebies are so small they’re not worth having. I remember getting some moisturiser in a sachet and I had to squeeze so hard to get enough out for one applicatio. It didn’t encourage me to buy the product.
Back to your question YES it should be one per household.
Yep people who order more are just taking advantage and really greedy. Like give others a chance.
These freebies go so fast for eg, I see there was some serum yesterday 15,000 on offer. Now all gone. I missed out. Was I slow or did I spend the whole day in the kitchen making a fruit cake, fruit loaf, 3 chicken pies, 12 ginger/choc cup cakes and a pineapple upside down cake and then all the washing up, etc. I can't spend my whole day checking online (believe me, when I first started here I did use to keep checking all the time) so I don't think it is fair that people miss out purely because they might be too busy to check until late evening. By then it is too late. It's really a 9.00-9.30am thing.
Yeah exactly, sometimes people have lives to go about. Lol. I think one per household should be a rule for samples, especially the bigger ones.
I think it is greedy yes. You should only order one freebie. It isn't fair that people miss out because others are greedy
I agree. But how can you stop them if the rules don't stipulate they can't order more than one. Some people's moral compass is not pointing in the right direction.
GlitchHunter unfortunately you can't stop them. Maybe if there was something that meant if they applied for more than one then they wouldn't get anything.
I thought freebies were 1 per household. It's nice to get them but I'm not disappointed when I don't. As you say its just luck you see it in time
I think it's greedy when you order more than one of the same thing.
Fortunately, companies are getting at better at realising whether or not it is the same person using different email addresses to claim a freebie.
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