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Your Thoughts: Handmade Christmas Gifts

Money Saving

More people are turning to handmade gifts this year as a way to cut back Christmas spending.

So is this something you are considering this year? Or would you rather buy from a store?

(psssst! remember to join the Latest Deals Crafting group ldeals.uk/crafts


You don't have to be a 'Crafty' person to do this, there are some simple and easy ones you can do like:

Make your own Christmas Cards (a fun one to do with kids)


Cake/Cookie Baking Jars


Use Air Dry Clay and Cookie Cutters to make decorations


a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I buy presents but not excessively and try to only buy useful gifts (not mugs or gift sets that people won't want or need), but a few days before Christmas I have a baking day and make a big batch of Christmas biscuits and give everyone a jar/box of these with presents, they have always been well received! Could do this with cookies, fudge etc. I would like to make more gifts, I have a Pinterest board of Christmas DIY gift ideas!


i would love to do this but im too afraid of being frowned upon or thought of as the cheapskate of the family. i hate how much i care what people would think as some amazing ideas.


SaveMeSunday if they think badly of you for spending time on making something then they obviously do not love or care for you. As your family and long term friends obviously do love and care for you they will be thrilled you spent time and thought doing something special for them.

I have knitted a scarf for a friend and baby set for another.


I like the idea of this but it's having time on your hands to do it maybe when am old.... Lol


I love getting creative.

When you say to someone handmade they often wrinkle their face up, as if it is trashy or cheap.

Proper craft supplies are certainly not cheap and the time I can spend just creating a card certainly wouldn't be cheaper than buying a card, even one of the most expensive ones.

We've recently just started having fun decorating fabric items and have a special heat press for it, so next year I'd love to focus more on gifting personalised items that people might use (I don't have the time or energy this year)

I think a lot of people think handmade means using up your rubbish, using old toilet roll tubes or making a macaroni frame. But it doesn't have to be that at all a lot of things are handmade. I'd appreciate the time and effort into creating it. After all people buy things from other people that make things, if you can attempt it yourself, that to me is more effort, time and thoughtfulness.

I feel a bit weird with handmade food, I love it and appreciate it and would love to give it too, but I just think of germs and things although I eat shop sandwiches and things which could be worse...


I've been making gifts for years, most of my family and my partners family like recieving handmade gifts. I've done lots of different things over the years, personalised items, baubles, mini Christmas trees, pictures, painted, drawings, handmade stockings, baked items, wreaths....the list goes on!!! I'm quite lucky as I have a cricut machine I use for items on my etsy shop, so that comes in handy. My nana gets really excited to see what I've made - bless her!


I made clay decorations with my son when he was younger, it was great fun and they were much appreciated and as a little gift.


Love a handmade gift but would prefer ab envelope with cash in it


Personally one of the gifts I look forward to is the home made jam and chutney that my friend makes, she puts them into sweet little jars.

I don't cook or bake and am not crafty but I appreciate homemade gifts as I realise the amount of work that have gone into them.


I made my partners advent calendar this year I put bottles of beer ,beard products ,sweets ,he absolutely loved it , I love to making stuff for my family they love them not that iam cheep I just like to make little keepsake things for Christmas tree ,wine glass charms Image


In these days . a hand made gift would mean so much more than it's value -it is the thought and effort that counts -really . A Chinese razor that hurts every time you use it -Bin !, a muscle massager - useless Bin ! You get the idea ? Of course the recipients will always be polite (they have to be really ?) . I can guarantee any Amazon Chinese tat will swiftly be consigned to the bin , while a hand made present will be treasured for years


Golfforall thats my thoughts exactly hand made is means much more as people have put there time and effort into it some people might not like them but I love giving and receiving anything people make for me


I think you can't go wrong with a handmade Christmas decoration as a child memory or in memory of someone who has died. It's more sentimental for Christmas 🎄


I am thinking of making a jar with positive affirmations for someone special. I know she will appreciate it that I have taken time to make it for her.


I love the idea of making gifts but I just don't have the time. I would love to get a homemade gift as someone has put time and effort into making it for me.

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