What Type of Music Do You Guys Listen To?
Please let me know for research purposes. All responses are greatly appreciated. Many Thanks for your help.
It seems very strange research if the the age group or gender of those being asked what music they listen to aren't asked those or any other details. and no indication given of what the research is for.
As a newcomer (only joining yesterday) - you might wonder why people aren't flocking to help with your research. perhaps they think likewise.
Hope that explanation helps you.
I don't think I have ever met anyone who likes rap. Hardly surprising really, as you can't call that 'music'.
I listen to everything! However my mood takes me, the only thing I don't really enjoy is screaming rock
I love house music as well as classic rock and post punk, but I listen to any and everything. Good music is good music
I started off with Bros, then New Kids On The Block, then jumped straight into rock, grunge, and metal. I listened to pretty much rock for about 20 years. Nowadays I can jump from Pantera and Slayer straight into the backstreet boys no problem. I also like jazz and classical but I don't listen to those 2 genres as much as rock and pop. I do like funk and reggae as well but listen to those genres the least. Really if it is good I'll listen to it regardless of genre.
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