Veganuary in January
January is the time where a lot of people try a vegan diet
will you be the vegan diet this January?
I'm not a big fan of all these different abstinence (or other types of themed) months. If you want to make a change to your diet/lifestyle/etc it needs to be done for the long haul.
I agree. I don't know anyone doing it, but there has been a lot of press about it on social media. Just curious as to who would do it
There is no way I could ever give up my chicken burgers, even for 1 month.
lol I have to say I am not a huge fan of chicken burgers. I do like fried chicken though - chicken without the bun is good for me
RegularComper90 if you ever get the chance, you must try the Tawianese hot star chicken - it's bigger than my head!
Veganism is far too severe for me. Having to look at every package, carton and tin to see if it contains any egg product or some other part of an animal which is not always obvious. Not to eat pastry, many soups, lots of sweets etc and so forth would be such a major change I doubt I could do it even if I wanted to. Vegetarian I could cope with but simply do not wish to do so.
I agree. I was veggie for about 13 years, and I tried being vegan for perhaps a month or so, but gave up as it was a lot of work reading labels, being antisocial (cant eat or drink in many, many places) and I didn't think I was achieving anything by it. I am now an avid meat eater and I won't be going back
No! I could maybe do a day or two a week but I couldn't go a whole month without meat.
same here. I was veggie for a very long time, and though I am proud of my stint, it is not something I wish to do again. I love meat, and lots of it
Not for me I’m afraid, I’ve been to some lovely vegan restaurants before and I’m always up for trying new things but I couldn’t do the whole month without cheese!
lol I had a Swedish girl once tell me she was vegetarian...and then I saw her having a Mcchicken sandwich for lunch. When I asked her 'I thought you were vegetarian?', she responded by saying that she was...she didn't consider chicken a meat
lol it was funny, and it did make me realise that not everyone views food in the same way - when I was travelling in the Far East as a vegetarian, they didn't understand what I could and could not eat, as they kept trying to give me seafood and chicken as well. It was very funny
yes I have - Old Deniz and Fetiye. I loved it, enjoyed it more than the other places I have visited in Europe. I was veggie when I was in Turkey and had lots to eat!
salmanabbas lol no way! When I go there next, I’m stuffing my face with kebabs! Veg will only be a side dish...if I have any space for it
im a vegetarian. I did attempt to go vegan once but i missed cheese too much. I did try some vegan cheeses but they were pretty awful.
lol they are indeed! definitely not using the ingredients you would want in proper cheeses
veganism is just trendy at the moment. I enjoy eating meat even though I don't eat a huge amount of it but I don't find it offensive that others don't. live and let live I say
I agree. It is good to have a diverse diet anyway - I grew up eating a lot of stuff my brother wouldn't eat, so there was never any fighting over dinner
salmanabbas lol yes I will be - just scouring the web for stuff to put on I don't usually miss a day of posting
no way - I like having meat in my diet, as it makes me feel good and is enjoyable to me
same here. I feel more alive with meat fuelling my body. I used to feel lethargic as a veggie, and a few people I know who are vegan have various health issues
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