What's Your Favourite Meat?
I really like Lamb..
my 2nd favourite is lean beef i
Lean is healthier, then I like turkey then chicken.
You can do all sorts of meals with Lamb or beef.
I have to say....
I love turkey rashers and they are healthier then bacon.
Plus you can grill turkey rashers you don't have to fry it.
I have recently discovered cooking a lean joint of beef in the slow cooker. By the end of the day it is falling apart and is so delicious with whatever else you serve your beef with. I don't really have a favourite meat as I like pork, beef and chicken equally, however, I really do not like lamb.
Hi lynibis that sound lovely. I've not got a slow cooker. But i am think of getting one. And I did not now you could cook joints in it. Will have to get a slow cooker and try it. What kind of beef joint was it. I've heard you can do a lot with a slow cooker.
nicolajaynehend not sure if it was top side, sirloin, but the one in freezer now is top rump, no fat but small. Sometimes I do it alone, other times with some casserole mix. Delicious, my son's love it.
Boring choices probably but chicken or pork!
A Sunday roast with either of those is a good Sunday for me
However I am easily pleased and will eat any meat tbh
Roasted chicken, curated jamón, chorizo, etc. Some of these meats don't even need to be cooked or grilled as they're made to eat as is (not chicken though).
I love all meat but I'm trying to eat a bit less now because I have a vegan friend and she's trying to "save the world" lol. So I don't eat meat when I'm with her.
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