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Worst Gift Youve Ever Recieved

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Ive had some shockers. My ex mother in law once gave me her wedding underwear basque, suspenders etc. Is that not weird? What is the worst gift someone has given to you?

over a year ago
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We should be thankful for any gift we receive, but sometimes they can be so wrong. Please be nice at Christmas, accept all gifts with a smile as someone has made the effort. Nearly every year my mother moans about her presents even when she has actually asked for it. Accept, smile then sell on eBay !


I think effort is what's important. I've had gifts where absolutely no effort or thought went into them. Those are the gifts I hate most. I won't tell the gift giver, but still... Just make an effort and put thought in!


I am ashamed to say reading your post I almost had a Tena moment. 😂 What a shocker! Took my mind off my own worst gift but I'll be back.


Probably not something people will agree with but I must admit I do re-gift. I don't see the point of hoarding something I don't want/like if someone else will get pleasure from it. Indirectly the giver has still given me a gift of saving money. Just make sure the new recipient doesn't know the original giver!

As for worst gift, there have probably been many, but the one that stands out was a set of ugly thick green shot glasses! But I acted as if it was the best gift ever so as not to hurt feelings.


Lynibis , you'll laugh, but those shot glasses would have been a best pressie for me. Actually collect anything green glass at the mo, especially the darker greens from charity shops, car boots and such, I'm putting together an 'Emerald City' in my garden, using my freebie yellow flooring vinyl samples for the brick road leading up. I sound mad, it's this pic which popped up on my pinterest one day, I want one, mildly obsessed, so now I hunt the old green glass. When the sun catches through green or cobalt blue glass it looks pure magic. x Image


Wow that is amazing ACES74 . What a brilliant idea it looks wonderful. I have a fairy garden in a corner and I might just have to pinch your idea. Well done.


Lynibis Pinch away, it's not my idea, it is something like what I'd think up, but this is not mine to claim, just came across this pic on pinterest and now obsessed, have to have!!! Chuffed you might put them in your garden, take note of where the sun shines through brightest in the morn or early eve, place them there, that'll give you the display on light. If you have water in your garden place nearby if poss, you'll get double light reflections. 😀 x


a lingerie set from my best pal and it was 2 sizes too big, binned it obviously, thought it was weird also, we never talked about it


There has been a few, but I try not to let the person know, as I’m grateful to have any gift, as it’s not expected. I guess one of the worst is when I was given a car, but I didn’t have a driving licence - not great, as it was hard to get taxed and insured for the short period I had it


Perhaps if you'd put 'cheapskate gift' this one would have been a contender. Imagine a beautifully decorated cuboid box. It has stencilled logos and bits of fresh fir tree and a pine cone and the promise of all things lovely inside..... you open it up and it is a value brand pack of tissues. I do realise that they would come in handy and I am a grateful person but this gift was all fur coat.......


Sorry angemski but I really couldn't help laughing at that one!


Lynibis This person was a known skinflint who would practically tell children that she wanted end of term gifts. 😠 I have laughed over it too since.


lol joannecroston , I saw your chat topic and was heading in to say all gifts are good and that, but then read your post and proper lost it, had to go tell rest of the family, so thanks for that you've given us all a good giggle here, I don't think anyone's gonna top that!!! As for all gifts being good, I'm over that, I agree with MeestairChrees if you're giving, then give a thoughtful gift apt to the person intended. It can be bought anytime & anywhere over the year, those times you spot something and you think such and such would love that. Buy it put it away, then just resist the urge to give it to them early. If you're buying for someone you don't know, don't guess what they like, either ask someone who does know them or opt for funny gift for those with a SOH and an amazon voucher and a tobelerone/matchmakers scenario for anyone else. The ones for social convention will mutter but the recipitant will be smiling, thinking what can I put that £10er to. A gift to say thank-you should be extra personal for those you love and chocolates, wine/spirit or flowers for those you don't, more important here is the genuine heartfelt message either spoken as given or thoughtfully written alongside with. This formula never fails for me. Don't have a worst gift, as my family and friends give as I do, got a long list and a wall full of ace pressies though. Best are when someone who loves you buys you something you didn't even know you wanted or that you'd like that much until you got one... my Mum gave me 'A Pocket Field Guide To British Garden Birds.' two weeks after we moved here and had our own garden, 20years on and well thumbed, I still refer to it regularly.


Yeah, like you, if I see something at some point, any point, that I think will make a good gift for someone, I buy it and save it. I don't do last minute panic buying. I always put thought into what I am giving - I often buy too much and still wonder if I've done a good enough job!


MeestairChrees lol, testify!!! Everyone's covered then there's some lovely things I got for no one in particular left. Always end up with several for my bestie and can't decide, but she's the same so we have a thing now were we wrap one for under the tree and then leave each other suprise gifts in random places around our houses over the holidays. 😊 x



Aww, that sounds nice with your secret gifts - I like that idea!

Yes, I have a whole bunch of stuff I buy for nobody in particular too, just because I get them at amazing prices - always things I'm confident I can gift though.


😂😂😂 @joannecriston thank you for sharing this one, I'm in tears. Bet you're glad she's the ex MIL,lol. I can't really say worst gift but a few years ago my son's clubbed together and bought me an expensive popcorn maker. I unwrapped it and put on a very good show of being really chuffed with it, I caught a glimpse of my daughter trying not to laugh as she remembered that I absolutely detest popcorn and even the smell of it cooking makes me feel sick. So it lives in the loft in its unopened box 😂


Aw no, im rubbish at hiding my true feelings. I am so glad shes my ex MIL, almost as glad that her son is my ex husband, weird family when i told him what she had given me i exoected him ti be disgusted but his eyes lit up and so i said do you realise yoy are getting excited about me wearing sexy underwear that you MOTHER wore on her wedding night, he just said well as long as its been washed 🤢


We don't buy gifts for the adults in the family for this reason only children and instead go out for a big family meal New Year's Eve. I've received lots of things I don't like and would never use so just don't see the point.

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