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Has Xmas Been Cancelled?

In the News

Is Christmas cancelled? Boris Johnson's stark warning to COVID-19 rule breakers

CHRISTMAS celebrations have been pulled into focus today after the Government enforced new restrictions on gatherings in England which would drastically reduce the number of people allowed to gather within a single household. Is Christmas cancelled?

Is Christmas cancelled?

Speaking in the press conference Mr Johnson introduced new rules on the British public.

The Prime Minister has reduced the gathering limit in both public and private from 30 to just six.

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Yes Christmas has been cancelled for large familys. But has I live on my own it's no different for me. I can see we will be lock down over Christmas. And things will be very hard. So that why I've started now to get thing in for Christmas. I know one thing that this Christmas will not seem like it. There be no Carol sing seeing father Christmas no works party. No Christmas shopping. The ones I will feel sorry for is the elderly people. And I think to there will be fights over things people will just have to try and make the best of things. Image


They tricked us all with the first time the world went into lockdown, but I'm not just going to sit around again. It's a waste of time and essentially house arrest.

People have been consumed so much by fearmongering they don't realize.


PhilipMarc I think that you might be in a dream world to be honest.

It seems like you think that Covid is not a thing and it's all a government conspiracy.

You tell that to people who have lost loved ones.


It better not be I've got all my presents bought thanks to latest deals


I hate Christmas anyway, won't be any different from last year's awful day.


I don't think Christmas is cancelled. However, families with more than 6 cannot gather so that's sad. Still hoping that everything can change and all laws regarding COVID to be lifted because Covid will be very low.


I’m not cancelling Christmas! I’m hoping we can still see some family, even if we have to do it one set of parents at a time but even if it’s households only I will lock the door and live in a Christmas bubble with my little family.

I do realise how lucky I am to have my family to share it with though. I do feel for those living alone and grandparent who won’t be able to see their grandkids 😔


nooo Xmas is what u make it

plan in advance


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