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Author: Tom Church
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Hobbies and Crafts reviews
from 4 reviews

Love this site for craft supplies. They do a very large range of crafts and the prices are really reasonable. I have bought painting items die casts and other children crafts to get my grandkids into creative works and they love it. They really love making flowers and we all made a flower wall last year.

Excellent information and educational skills taught. Many new and intrested items, techniques projects, competitions printable each issue. Learnt many tricks and hacks with products I already owned plus new exciting ideas to create and craft much more stuff. Packed with tips, clear and concise proje ts, bright a d easy to understand and learn from. From begginer to advanced crafter it has it all. Love this product each new issue I look forward to it. Many free gifts and excellent price.

I have used Hobbies And Crafts many of times and i love the website. They have so many blogs that have inspired me and best of all they are updated regularly so you can get new ideas all the time. This website has also been a massive help during lock down with lots of craft ideas for me and my children to make. I really can't recommend it highly enough.