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Alexa Google Homes


I’ve always considered getting these devices however I feel there not worth it what do they do do you like them? Do you have one?

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I don't have one but considering getting one this year so any help would be good


I have various Alexas dotted around the house.

I think they are great, you can stream music through them and check orders.

I also have various smart plugs and smart bulbs installed. Not for me the hassle of actually having to use a finger to turn a light on 😜


I am very intrested as well in Alexa Home goods...but i know very little little about technology ...i just bought a 1T PVR and im having trouble working that out...

I have heard ONLY wonderful things about them...thats what attracts me.


I have an Alexa and she was making rather funny noises tonight when we were talking about the Christine Keeler programme and Profumo. I still think they are listening in roflol.


We have Alexa since Nov. Il use her to ask quick questions rather than Google stuff. Mostly just use her as a speaker to play music & podcasts tho. OH uses her for travelling traffic times alot. We are planning on getting smart bulbs etc this year so she'll be getting used alot for that.


I have had an Alexa for several years. I mainly use it to listen to the radio. I have an additional chargeable base, which means I can take it anywhere in the house or garden. I pay a subscription to Amazon Music which means I have access to a huge music library so can request any song I fancy. I have also made up various playlists that I can request be played.

Alexa can also be used to answer question/ queries such as ‘what is the weather forecast; what’s in the news; sports results; who is singing this song on the radio; tell me the recipe for lasagne’ etc.

If other family members or friends also have an Alexa, you can set them so that you can call each other - you simply ask Alexa to call ....

If I have an Amazon order, Alexa will notify me when it is going to be delivered.

I also have Smart plugs on my lamps. I just request Alexa to turn on the lamps and it is done!

I find Alexa to be a great little tool for the price and I would certainly recommend it RiannonWood and jigsawx3x


I have an echo dot in the living room and a google nest mini in the bedroom. Great devices. They both have their benefits and great features, not sure which I prefer. I find the sound quality slightly better on the google nest mini to the echo dot 3rd gen.

For example if I say 'Hey google goodnight' it will ask me what time I want the alarm set and start playing peaceful sounds to help send me to sleep.

If I say 'alexa teach me french' it will start teaching me french.

The amount of features they have is brilliant, I realise its all programmed responses but it does feel like technology has gone up a gear when you can talk to devices like that. I'm always asking both devices questions.

I've had more 'sorry I don't know that' responses from alexa but then in other ways alexa is better.

It's probably one of those things where it will start off cheap but then they will push you to subscriptions later but for the moment its fantastic value. It's important if you are trying to save money you keep to the free service. It's easy to pay a lot of small monthly subscriptions that add up to a real drain on your finances or you could use alexa to order stuff without finding who offers the more competitive price and that could cost you money. These devices are obviously commercial devices and you do get adverts and they self-promote their own products but no worse than commercial radio stations in fact the adverts seem less frequent. Considering the cost of food products on amazon I certainly won't be ordering my food shop via alexa that's for sure even though it allows you to create a shopping list.


We have an echo dot and an echo show. I really rate the show as you can watch amazon movies on it as well as the usual commands with the lights etc. So it's handy to have in the kitchen when I'm cooking. They're a bargain at £50 at the moment.

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