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Bad Injuries.

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After my partner fell off his ladders today, and has ended up with a hole in his leg, I wondered what are your worst injuries?

I don’t think the website would allow me to post an image, so I won’t bother trying to show you the damage lol!

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Ooooh, that's gotta hurt, hope he is alright and no permanent damage. I expect there will be a scar though.

I am lucky, no serious injuries thus far!


Thank you Lynibis, he is in pain but luckily no broken bones! Especially seeing as we are going on a dog walking holiday in Wales in a week and a half!

That is very lucky that you have had no serious injuries!

I have cut my head open twice when I was younger, both times needed stitches, but that’s about it!


I feel off a ladder once (at 19 years old) and had temporary paralysis for a few minutes. I will never forget the total lack of feeling from the neck down. Unbelievably, yet totally true, a voice in my head told me to get up or never walk again. So I did. I then laughed for a minute, vomited for a minute, cried for a minute - this repeated for around an hour. Now I have a nice bump on the back of my head were the skull healed from probably a fracture. My parents decided it was not worth going to the hospital!


Ouch, hope he recovers quickly. I think my worse injuries happened in childhood. I fractured my collarbone at 7 years old, tripping over a rope that was only 10inches off the floor in PE. As I didn't cry, just complained a lot, my arm was lifted and moved a lot and I stayed in school till the afternoon, by then I was being sick constantly so my mother was called. Finally after it happening at 10am my mother took me to the hospital at 7pm after I screamed blue murder when she tried to help get my dress off. 48 years later the memory still makes me feel sick,lol.


Omg, hope ge is ok, was this at work? I haven't had any serious injuries, but broke my wrist slipping over in a nightclub


nasty i hope there ok worst injury ive had so far is falling and braking a bone in my face


I dont know how many times i have broke an arm or a leg when i was younger from silly things, i actually had a body scan because they thought i may have brittle bones 🤣 i didnt i just fell a lot. I once fell down a 60ft cliff, i got knocked out and was a bit sore for a week but i didnt break a thing 🙈

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