Branded Items You Can’t Give Up?
I shop in Lidl 99% of the time (my partner works there so 10% staff discount wooohoo!) and obviously the catch with Lidl/Aldi is that you have to buy their own brand products. Is there any brands you simply can’t live without? You know you could save money if you switched out to a cheaper one but simply can’t do it?
I have a bit of a strange one of these I can eat cheap chocolate, cheap beans, cheap anything I’ll eat! But don’t mess with my branded toilet roll!
I don't buy a lot of branded items, most of them are supermarket own or value products. My husband loves his pepsi max, so don't think he could give that up, but he stocks up when it is on offer and he has found a cheaper alternative that he buys when it isn't on offer. I am willing to switch anything to see if the cheaper one is better.
We don’t buy much branded stuff either, I like that you’re willing to switch :-) I would say I’m the same, I’ll try anything and give it a go! Sometimes i find I even prefer the low cost supermarket own version x
HannahSunderlan Our house is filled with supermarket own or value products! Food, cleaning products, toiletries, even clothes! The only branded product I would say I buy is deoderant, but even then I buy whichever one is the cheapest, but I might try the supermarket own one next time. We only have branded items in the house if they were on offer and were cheaper or the same price as supermarket, if someone has bought it for us or I have won it.
What is this cheaper alternative to Pepsi Max please? I love that drink, but the trouble is that it's quite expensive when not on offer.
RegularComper90 It is called Barr Xtra Cola. It is a scottish brand so not sure how widely available it is, but he gets it in Morrisons and Tesco.
All of my clothing are generic cheap brands because as long as it fits me and I like it, that's good enough for me. Plus, it saves me money so can't complain.
I'd bet that some every once in a while think "That dude is poor as heck, just look at his dollar store clothes." lol
I like all the own brand stuff except chocolate and cheese. Just can't beat cadburys and cathedral city
I agree with you on chocolate, but I have found that tesco mature cheddar strength three is as good as cathedral city (although I tend to buy the big blocks of value cheese as I use it for cooking)
I am not too sure about Cadburys anymore. It used to be my favourite but since it was sold to Kraft, the ingredients and taste have changed.
Trasha042 that is my favourite CHEESE. It's the best. Asda do two BLOCK in a pack for £5.00. Hope this has helped you.
RegularComper90 I love Galaxy and Lindor! Never really bought too much Cadburys anyway!
I buy mostly non-branded products and try most things, but cannot give up my Kenco Really Rich coffee, Coleman's mustard and Marmite!
Around 95% of my weekly shopping is non-branded. However, I do prefer some branded products which I only buy when on special offer.
I can't do cheap bread...just can't do it...Years ago I used to do the shop's-own loaves (which was then about 19p - not sure what they are now) - now I have to have either fresh bread or at least a good brand for plastic bread like Hovis or Kingsmill. Other than that I buy brand coffee (can do value beans but if it's granules it has to be branded) - I think we're probably value stuffs with pretty much everything else!
Oh, and my daughter's a little snobby about shampoo (fair enough, she's inherited her Mum's problematic hair) so I buy the value shampoo and conditioner for my hubby but she has to have Tresemme or similar!
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