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Are We the Only Country with Covid This Bad?


When it first started all we heard day in, day out was the plight of Italy and what was going on in other countries until finally it made it's insidious way to our island home. That should never have happened if we had closed all borders, but I guess that may have only delayed the inevitable.

Now things seem to be more serious than ever but we do not hear a word about other countries and how the pandemic is currently affecting them.

We're allowed back and forth across borders, then we're not, then we are. But surely mainland Europe are not free of it so why are borders only being closed to us? Have we really dealt with this with such ineptitude that we are the only country currently under such a severe regime? Is there a blackout on news from other countries as it all seems very quiet?

over a year ago
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Trust me its just as bad in other countries . Most European countries are already in the equivalent of our tier 4 restrictions and others about to bring them in .

Perhaps other countries tend to be a bit more observant of the rules and guidance than our population but in general we can't stop it only slow the spread down a little until hopefully the vaccine will help in all countries .


Oh I see, it just seemed to me as if the rest of the world apart from USA was coping ok but I suppose the journos have enough reporting to do here.


Lynibis I often listen to the BBC world news and Newsnight and every day there is more bad news from somewhere. It won't go away until we have protected a good proportion of the global population from it and probably not completely even then .


Golfforall yes it does seem that as soon as we conquer one terrible disease another rears it's ugly head. As you say will probably stay with us and be like flu that still kills many per year.


Lynibis Strangely , or perhaps not given the precautions most of us are taking , Cases of severe flu are down 65% so far this winter, so there is some good news .

Maybe I should find some lighter viewing /reading ?


Golfforall But, are flu cases down this year because there is no flu or because the flu they actually had was classed as Covid?


lilyflower No , apparently its because most of us are following COVID precautions and flu is spread in exactly the same way as Covid . They can tell the difference between Covid and flu .


Well, let's see.

Which was the first Western country to receive the vaccine? U.K.

It is known it has side effects and we'll see more of it in the coming months. So, no, other countries aren't as bad, no.

The media sure is excited and trying to push everyone to take the vaccine. No, thanks.


We are aren't the only country handling it bad but we are one of the worst. If we didn't have a useless government and the public listened then we might be in a different situation. The coverage of other countries has probably stopped because they are doing better


I was just asking my partner last night how other counties were doing as I hadn’t heard anything. X


We need to be allowed to hug , kiss and generally touch one another again , it might not help with the virus but it'll put a smile on my face ... Image


to be honest i think other countries have been hit just as hard if not harder, especially America


I watched a video about life in China in the beginning of the year where one cremation centre was getting lorry loads of caskets and many people were complaining of having caskets full to the brim with ash as the Chinese were shoehorning in as much ash as possible into each casket. That one cremation centre was clearly dealing with thousands of bodies. Also a huge number of people in China have just disappeared of mobile networks etc. So considering China didn't act quickly and were in denial about it I think we can be pretty sure China's death rate is by far the worse. It's a communist regime that constantly lies to its people and the world.

Obesity is a big factor so countries like the USA and UK will have a higher death rate. You have countries like Japan where the people follow every rule their government advises and were even wearing face masks before covid in order to avoid colds and flu from other people.

It's easy to get a warped view from the media and we have very polarised politicalised people who see the opposite party to the one they support as always wrong. I've got to an age now where I realise the media often presents a warped view so actually have to go and research the facts myself if I'm interested as there is so many conflicting voices with opinions but there is often real data that shows the true facts of a situation. Don't get me wrong though I have a very low opinion of politicians I'm certainly not defending them.


As always a very measured and intelligent response which makes a lot of sense. I was wrongly under the impression that China had it all under control with their very dictatorial leadership.

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