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COVID-19 Contact Tracing Diary


COVID-19 contact tracing diary

To help keep the gains we’ve made in limiting the spread of coronavirus during lockdown, officials have asked people to keep track of places they visit and people they are in contact with, as isolation restrictions ease. Healthy Food Guide has created a simple contact tracing diary for you to download, print and fill out, each day, so you can keep doing your part to make everyone safer. View now


My first thoughts about this were -

  1. to pick up on the point that isolation has not eased yet!
  2. I know exactly where I have been - nowhere
  3. Any deliveries I have can be traced through the providers (supermarkets & postman)

Then my thoughts led to ... would I need to prove where I have been at any point in the future and although it does seem a good idea, how does this impact on my privacy.

What do you think?

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

All too much big brother for me. Keep a log of all the names of everyone you have spoken to and seen and turn it over to the state. I was doing surveys last week and it was saying would you report in advice to the gov where you are going and who you are going to see. No, I said. 1984. Once you loose these freedoms, you don't get them back. You start reporting to big brother who you have been seeing and it will never stop. Of course, they say it is to keep track of their virus, but nope, it is to keep track of who your friends are. A lot of people don't do social media and that's one way of keeping track. This whole 'plandemic' is a social experience being carried out to get people into a virtual world and no human contact. Microchips in the vaccine. Look up Bill Gates. The man is into eugenics. Thinks there are too many people on the planet. Problem, reaction, solution. Rant over. There's plenty of links I could add to this. Like Neo, do you want to take the red or the blue pill, though.


Yes, it does smack of 1984 which is a scary thought. I agree with you that once they have that sort of control over the population they won't ever let it go. The lack of human contact would mean that the population couldn't band together against them either, how convenient. 🐞


I have to disagree - keeping a record of your known contacts or where you visited, which is only revealed to anyone else if it becomes necessary to check from whom (or where) you might have contracted a disease, or passed it on to since you contracted it seems perfectly reasonable.


davidstockport I know exactly where I have been - nowhere! I am sure the supermarkets would know who had delivered my shopping if they were asked. 🐞


tumblespots But I think the diaries are for when we're released from home arrest.☺


davidstockport I not going anywhere anytime soon and shall carry on getting home deliveries when I can (as I do now). Mr Tumblespots and I don't plan to go anywhere we don't need to and certainly don't want to get involved in people not observing the 2 yard rule and feeling vulnerable because of it. Personally I believe that it will all kick off again whenever they let us out and think we will all become yoyo's. Stay at home, let out, stay at home, let out... 🐞


tumblespots Unfortunately too many don't realise that the restrictions are for our own good, and until they realise we can't just stick to the rules that suit us, are loose cannons endangering those who do comply.


davidstockport There are definitely too many who don't take any notice. I read a few days ago of a family travelling in two cars from London to Snowdonia because they were bored! The police stopped them. It's amazing how much traffic you can hear in the night too!! (As in 3am when I usually get up) 🐞


tumblespots They should have taken the cars off them and made them walk back☺☺☺

That might have eased their boredom ☺☺☺


Won't make any sense,if we keep a diary and others dont,what does it proof apart from our whereabouts.I'm all for eating healthy and keeping my distance,tracking my movements isn't one of them x


Very true, if only a proportion of the population keeps track, then it is a useless exercise. The other point to consider is that not all people will tell the whole truth - they may have made a trip to somewhere they shouldn't have done and then won't write it down, so again making it useless. 🐞


If it's just a diary sheet you print off & fill in for yourself, incase you become infected so you can remember who you've been in contact with to alert them, then that's fine. That was my understanding of it. However if we then had to give that information freely to the government or so on then I'm not so comfortable with that, I agree it smacks of big brother.


That's it really isn't, is it private unless it become essential or not? 🐞


Aren’t they already tracking and tracing people already? It’s been said they’re checking people’s whereabouts/movements via their network providers and Google maps...just without asking for further consent. I just have no faith in the authorities of using the information properly and effectively


The authorities won't have any information unless it's given to them QUITE VOLUNTARILY to hopefully trace the possible source of a contracted disease and those we might have passed it on to (to hopefully stop them passing it on to others). The diary (also voluntary) is just to aid our memories.


davidstockport Do they have enough admin staff to do all the tracing? For some people it must be a nightmare and as I mentioned above - people lie about where they have been and who they have seen... 🐞


davidstockport lol I can already imagine the kind of Bridget Jones style publications ready for release


Oh yay, a tracking service. COVID-1984™.


What could be better! 🐞

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