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Deal or No Deal


I see many 'deals' posted here but many that I really wouldn't class as a deal at all. Obviously a bit of research is always advised on anything you are thinking of purchasing but when a deal for instant is 5% off an item then I'll just pass on by whether I'm interested or not, because I know full well that it's a no deal for me.

So my question is, when is a 'deal' a deal or a no deal for you?

over a year ago
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A deal for me is when I actually want a thing and can't find it for less elsewhere. I must be honest and say I don't find many deals which meet that criteria here, or on any similar site.


I have to agree with you. It's very much a case of seeing things I like and not really need. But if I do like the idea of getting something, I will still search out for cheaper deals which there often are. Much of the impulse buying is down to the 'Be Quick' phrases that often coincide with items.


Something cheaper than anywhere else from a reputable brand! I keep seeing deals posted from Amazon that will take 6 weeks to get here with an inflated rrp to Begin with! If it's an Amazon deal it needs to be prime delivery for me to consider!


I don't mind waiting for items from China etc as long as I've done my research first and know what I hopefully will receive.


JohnDay ok fair enough, I'm quite impatient ! The benifit of it taking a long time though is I forget what Iv ordered and it's like a gift for myself!


MumOfThree Your spot on. That's exactly how I feel, almost like getting the 'lucky bags' or 'jamboree bags' that I used to get as a kid. Always the excitement of a surprise.


JohnDay I regularly buy things directly from China - usually at a fraction of the cost the identical item would cost in the UK. Things used to take an average of 10 days to arrive but I think it's nearer 15 days now. (The record was 6 days).


I literally get stuff anything from 7 days to never from China. I often check my orders to make sure nothing passed me by.


A deal ia when you are happy and convinced that the price is a good price and one that you are willing to pay for. Never wil be just the cheapest deal

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