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Doorbell Cameras - Recommendations

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Do you have a doorbell camera? If so, how are you finding it? Is it useful? Too intrusive? How much did you pay for one? What would you recommend?

Ive seen a few and I’m not keen on how most are just simply mounted on - they can easily be stolen, if not damaged

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

That's my fear - The Ring ones are around £100, and if someone takes a fancy to it surely they can just yank it off.


Yes none of them seem to be designed to be that secure. The only thing I can see is building it into a door, and that will be expensive. Don’t want to be wasting money


If your nearest John Lewis is open, have a look at the ones they have to get an idea of how they work. But yes, they are expensive and easy to steal


Thanks for the recommendation. I looked at a few previously, before everything shut, and didn’t really need it as I’ve been home most of the time. But once we are all going to start going out again, it would be useful to have to deal with delivery drivers, etc.

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