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Elastic Game ... 2 Kids with Elastic round Legs 1 Kid Jumping


Can anyone remember that game where 2 kids put knicker elastic in a circle tied n u both stand inside n then another kid jumps in n over elastic .used to play n then elastic went higher n higher .. was funny but hurt myself so many times playing

over a year ago
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I used to love this game 😁Spent so many hours playing it, simpler times!


Oh I'm so glad sum1 remember it xx no1 here did x wow ty xx


jojowane67 we called it elastics and it was all rubber bands linked together. If we didnt have enough people we would put a chair as the person! That was in the 80s


I remember it! Me & my friends used to play it constantly. I can't remember all the different moves now

but it was a real craze when I was at school. The simple things are always the best ;-)


jojowane67 Yes! My friend and I used to play that at every school breaks, and I carried on at home, using my younger brother and a chair to hold the elastic. I can tell you he wasn't too happy about it 😂


Haha such great memories x i had a dream about it last night that's why I've mentioned it today x

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