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How Do Feral Cats Get Rid of Fleas Without any Help ?


Having been a cat owner of two myself . i now own a dog, i was always curious how feral cats dealt with fleas, after all they have no owners to treat them as with domestic cats

I found this article that explains a few things which i hope cat owners here might find interesting

For example feral cats can catch fleas off the mice they hunt which then can infest them

They are quite tolerant of the fleas as they are part of their everyday life, and when they groom themselves they tend to eat them

Unfortunately by doing this the fleas can lay eggs inside them and this is how sometimes they can get tapeworm


8 months ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Not very well is the answer to that. Cats can be allergic to fleas which is one reason why feral cats can look minging.


Jerseydrew I think a lot of wild animals have fleas J, if you look at primates for example they also groom each other , pick and eat them i wonder if they can get tapeworm this way also ?

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