Gollywogs - Banned?
Is it true the gollywog was banned a few years ago as its deemed to be racist ? Im so gobsmacked sbout this ... what about him on jam jar ... the worlds gone mad
Hi jojo yes the gollywogs was bad. When I was a little girl I had one. And it's all so ban from the jams has well. I use to collect the tokens from the jams. And you got a pin badge of your choice gollywogs. But that all stoped now. The whole world has gone mad. You got to be very care full what you say. Now a days. Because you could end up in court. Bring back the old days. When I was growing up you had had nothing to worried about.
Yes this true ! one of my best friends who drives a lorry is dark skinned (not sure what term is politically correct these days!) and he has a gollywog wearing a hi viz in the front of his cab.... he thinks the world has gone crazy !!
The golliwog is now probably best remembered in Britain as the brand logo for Robertson’s jams. It first appeared on product labels and advertising material in 1910 and was immediately hugely popular. Robertson’s capitalised on this with marketing campaigns, producing a range of ‘Golly’ badges that were collected in exchange for coupons from their jams and marmalades. The golly went on to appear on pencils, knitting patterns, playing cards, toys and ornamental figures such as these in the collection at Gallery Oldham. As late as 1999 Robertson’s was still receiving thousands of requests for golly badges each year, despite calls to remove this racially insensitive and, to many, offensive image. After much criticism and prolonged campaigns to expose the racist history of the image, Robertson’s finally dropped the golly from its packaging in 2001.
I googled this.
I'm very pleased it's been banned as I find It really offensive, it was used in a derogatory way and still is, a classic insult to a black person is to call them a 'wog'. As for the terms used it's context rather than what's said. People should think about what they say to someone regardless. Just edited to add it's really sad that something meant to be innocent has had to be banned because of how it has been used. I find the way it's been styled is not particularly nice either but get the intention
I still see similar toys like that on Chinese stores. They just don't care. lol
If it sells, that's what matters to them.
It's just a doll. Some people like to find offence in just about anything these days.
Even blackboards in schools were banned some years ago because they were considered as 'racist'.
it is not the fact that it is a toy that is the problem but the fact that it is a derogatory image of Black people. suggesting the racial stereotyped look. I am sure white people would be offended if there was a similar racist image being sold in doll form
You'd need to define "white people". "Black" doesn't necessarily mean Africans but also dark-skinned Indians.
As for "white", there are Europeans, Albinos, Jewish, Japanese, Syrians and etc. That term isn't as clear cut as people think.
People need to lighten up and get over such things, everyone always looking for the bad and downside to everything.
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