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Kids Birthday Ideas in Lockdown

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Hi everyone. Hope you having a good day😁 I'm looking for ideas for my son's 7th birthday... obviously lockdown has been eased somewhat but I'm heavily pregnant so not going to trek to seaside this year... also I dont think his friends mums would feel it safe to come for a little party... what could I do for him?? Rather than just have a picnic and eat some cake...?

over a year ago
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Some party games if you able to go to Poundland grab some small gifts colours slime Lego etc. And play games where each child wins a small prize. If weather is nice out door water games. you don’t need fancy parties to put smile on kids faces. Mine have always loved these types of parties growing up


Ann1984 so far I got some sour/weird taste foods and making a piniata to put it in. I got balloons and some other decorations. Hes got some lego already and I ordered some gel spime...😁I dont want him to be bored in case none of his friends could come...


jurgita0712 model clay making on offer at amazon half price a lockdown birthday plaque made out of flour so a keepsake. Am sure others will have some ideas too


I am going to make a space party....will get all the elements and it will be just us, not others.

I want to make the cake, so I will learn it how to do it and color it...decorate home, buy some gifts and that will be it...

It was my daughter`s idea to do space theme for my son and I really like it...we will make the planets...it will be so cool πŸ™‚


AgnesFaludi I think I'll go with Roblox theme πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ he loves that game at the moment. I will bake a cake and put some Roblox style letters and figurines on it. You could try purple mirror glaze and put some stars in it? Maybe some cake pops dipped in chocolate as planets? 😁 you can get purple mirror glaze in sainsburys you just need to heat it up before you use it.



You could do a home movie night, make pretend cinema tickets (have a look on pinterest, either print some out or just draw them), get an assortment of snacks - popcorn, sweets and give him a selection of films to choose from. You can go as simple or as crazy with the idea but I saw someone else do a similar thing and it looked amazing! Nothing too over the top but just a nice touch πŸ™‚ I'd suggest just filling his day with some nice family activities and his favourite foods. Maybe get a new board game or make a fort, doesn't have to be anything too expensive or extravagant πŸ™‚

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