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What Kind of Things Have People Been Doing to Reduce Plastic in Their Lives?


I now carry reuseable bamboo cutlery and stainless steel straws. I've yet to find a good collapsible cup though. I should buy some handkerchiefs, I got through tissues a lot!

over a year ago
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I always try to buy only loose fruit and veg, although not so easy with soft fruit. I don't buy cling film anymore and all my rubbish goes in heavy paper sacks. It's really hard to cut plastic out though as so much is only available in plastic containers, but I do recycle as much as I can. I am also involved in a beach clean up which involves not only picking up large items of rubbish but also sifting the sand to remove the small pieces of plastic that are harmful to our marine life. Although plastic is a major problem, its people who throw their rubbish into our waters and hedgerows. The attached photo is near where I live in Devon, supposedly a haven for wildlife and the famous Dartmoor ponies.

Apologies for rant but makes my blood boil.



Hi Jamala you brought happy memories to me when you said about the Dartmoor ponys. I am from Plymouth but I grew up in Cornwall UNTILL I was 9 years old then came back to Plymouth. I use to go horse riding on Dartmoor. I now live in the highlands of Scotland

On a farm and I love it here. But now and again I miss Plymouth. I've seen a lot has charge since I was there. 🐧🐧


nicolajaynehend Change happens, but it is still a lovely area to live in. I also grew up horse riding on Dartmoor!! Scotland is beautiful as well so you have had the best of both ends of the country😀


Jamala I've been very lucky. I now have my own Shetland pony she is 31 years old this. Year. Had her since she was a foal I do miss Dartmoor but some of it is here. I live a beautiful part of the highlands. 🐎🐎


Yes. Some humans are gross. Thank you for doing your part. You've made a good dent in reducing plastic. 👍🏼


I really dont like paying for the plastic bags so if I dont have a reusable bag with me I prefer to take my groceries to the car and load them in the boot


Yeah. That's a good idea. You can also use the cardboard boxes that supermarkets have lots of to help carry or load your car. Those are recyclable. There's no need for plastic bags.


I don't ever get plastic bags in shop. I've made beeswax wraps to be use instead of clingfilm, they're so pretty as well.


Yes! I have those beeswax wraps as well. So handy! We still have a roll of clingfilm that we got from yonks ago sitting in the drawer because we use the wraps so much!


I don't use plastic bags, I use cardboard boxes that you can get for free from the supermarket if you forget. In the Gambia plastic bags are banned and they recycle everything why not here?


Yes! Why can't shops provide paper bags that can be recycled? If some shops can provide them, why not all? There's absolutely no need for a plastic bag these days!


Grocery Shopping pick up any empty cardboard boxed lying around in store and use that to take shopping home

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