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Life Still in Lockdown (Wales )

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What's people up to whilst still in lockdown ? Any ideas of things to ?

has lockdown ended in England ?

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Business as usual in my street.

My neighbours are not taking a blind bit of notice when it comes to guidelines/law.

I'm in West Wales and we have one of the lowest death rates in the country, but I can only see a big peak coming in the next month or so.

Not even my parents in their mid 70s are taking much notice even though me and my sister have been at them.

And we're getting a load of English coming to their 2nd homes as well which doesn't go down too well here.

Unfortunately, to keep everyone safe, we should all still be in lockdown.


I'm in north Wales we're gettting a lot of holiday makers down here but the police are keeping on top of them if they get in there sent packing with heavy fines , people just don't seem to understand what's going on in other parts of the country let alone what's happening where they live , holiday makers seem to think its ok now todo and go where they won't it's just not the case !!!


Rest assured Welsh Police have been out on the A 55 etc trying to spot those numpties. I just had to leave a space in A 55 because it thinks I am swearing if I don't. 😁

Kelsey, A 55 is a road, not a rude word. Maybe you don't deal with that side of things.

LD Team

Still on lockdown I live in North Wales Not far from the English border. My boys have gone fishing today as we are now allowed to do that after a lot of debating with the WAG. I find it daft how you can drive to garden centres but not for fishing and you can queue for the tip for hours though. They need to start giving some possible dates to go with this new traffic light system though as people have no hope


I'm in South Wales and it's a bit of both. I've been strict lockdown and so have my family, I live apart from my partner so we haven't seen each other in two months. Some people in my street are not adhering though, it's very frustrating but I'm trying to remind myself and others that just because some are doing things doesn't mean its ok for me or anyone/everyone else to. England haven't ended the lockdown but they've eased the measures slightly (saying people can travel for exercise, go back to work if its safe). Premature and risky but some seem to be taking advantage of it, I've seen a lot of stories about people from England coming to Wales for holiday homes or the mountains and being fined by police.


I'm in England and haven't left my home for anything other than a walk in weeks. Lockdown hasn't "ended" as such. They've just lifted the restrictions very slightly which some people hear as "do what we want". I'll be working from home for a long time.


Same, i go for a 10 min walk uo and down the road but that's it. Will carry on working form home as long as I feel is best


Inverness still grounded


JakeWillia99858 Is Inverness in some funny country where you can get deep fried battered Mars bars? 😉


Na pal bit more up road, were the ones that get the daft buggers trying to escape the virus in the camper vans from round about your way 🙂

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