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Should The Country Go Into Lockdown?

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Anyone else think we should follow other countries and go into lockdown? I personally think we should sooner rather than later.

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

It all depends really are they going to pay my mortgage if can't work pay my other bills they just need to close schools and cancel all gigs and gatherings


I understand where you are coming from but personally i would rather you be healthy than paying for your mortgage with the way the country is i'm sure they would understand why u didn't pay for a month or two. If i was in government i would let everyone paying bills and mortgages off until the lock down was over.


chelseaturpin wish was that easy but took years to save to put a house over kids head and for them to have something after our days


I think if there is a spike in deaths then yes, otherwise it may be better to hang on for a bit.

Many people are being sensible and performing their own kind of self isolation anyway, so I think that will help in the long run.


Don't think so at the moment, at the present time we are coping reasonably well .

Problem with lockdown I see is apart from the economic aspect and the hardship it's likely to cause to many individuals, what happens when lockdown is discontinued and everyone is allowed to go back about there business, one or two people that could still be infected will pass it on again. It's totally impossible for any country to go into 100% total lockdown. health care workers, police probably government workers, shop workers etc won't be in lock down but still may be carriers.

Having said that thou I do think people with underlying health problems or the elderly should consider taking extra precautions.



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