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Whats your earliest memory?

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what's your first memory of and how old were you? I can remember baking with my mum who didnt believe me until I told her what we baked, I was around three- is that old??

over a year ago
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Ooh, I like to think back of a lot of memories that I have. Especially childhood memories 😁. I remember when my mum sang to me, read to me, and played with me. I told a lot of memories to my mum and I can remember back when I was two years old!


Lovely memory. Im not sure exactly I have memories of pre school so when I was 3, i cant imagine it being any earlier than that unless it was something significant.


I can’t really remember much of my childhood which makes me quite sad cuz I know we had a wonderful time. I do remember Sunday afternoons with my nanny choc (nick named this cuz she always had some form of chocolate in the fridge for us grandkids) we made assorts of marmalade and chutney and elderberry wine. Plus when my uncle got a job as a milk man (the first and earliest vehicle on the road!) we used to make all sorts of road kill pies !!!!! Don’t think I could do that these days but when you’re 5/6 and times are hard as long as it tasted good, which it always did, who cared !!


A stern frightening man in black robes who approached me and growled 'who do you want to live with little girl, your mummy or your daddy?'

I realise now he was some sort of barrister in a courthouse and it was to do with my parent's divorce. I couldn't have been more than two.


I was roughly 3 and my parents took me to Disneyland Paris. I remember having breakfast with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Pluto and getting hugs from them. It was our first holiday abroad.

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