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Nutrition during Covid Lockdown


Looking for ideas/suggestions for some tasty nutritious snacks and meals. The usual ingredients aren't always available so I'm looking to experiment with alternatives; hoping to nourish the family without breaking the bank

over a year ago
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Not sure if this fits your requirements but I have been having lots of Caesar salad but slightly different. Different leaves in a pasta bowl and instead of plain chicken, use chicken fillets in breadcrumbs (or southern fried) sliced on top and if you're not keen on parmesan, cheddar will do. Lots of low fat Caesar dressing. Of course you can add other salad ingredients.

The other thing I love is stir fry. Mushrooms, garlic, peppers, onion, (beansprouts if liked and anything else suitable). Stir fry in olive oil add noodles and finally add sauce of choice, my fave is sweet chilli and garlic.


Instead of unhealthy snacks, ive been making my own fruit and nut. Cheapo bag of baking sultana's and a bag of unsalted peanuts, pop em in a plastic tub. Job done


Change4Life do great recipes for nutritious snacks and meals - check them out 🤗

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