Plastic Problem, by Coca-Cola
In the News
Coca-Cola has revealed it used three million tonnes of plastic packaging in one year - I reckon it’s more

I think companies need to look at this situation and address it. Why keep making more plastic. Stop the production of plastic altogether. Recycle what we have made.
I know. Won't happen. But i wish they would take more responsibility.

I think this report is really sad. The big Companies only seem to let us know when they've done something good but never reveal the damage that they continue do. Another thing that I have been banging on for some time is the fact that red nose day raises an enormous amount of money for great causes but can you imagine how many discarded plastic noses are buried deep in landfill? I know of only a couple of companies that have actively stated that they can recycle them but until the nation organises a system to collect them we will continue to add to the pile.

Again I'll talk about it here. Is the problem really the plastic, or are the people / council not recycling the rubbish? Every day in my building, I go to the bin room, only to find loads of plastic bottles/papers/cans dumped in the non-recyclable containers, while the recyclable waste containers are empty 3 meters away. What happens in my building happens everywhere, especially on the streets, with people just throwing rubbish on the floor, as if a robot is following people and clearing the streets.

So ultimately the answer is to cease production of plastic - if we can’t reuse and recycle, then it’s time to move onto something else, something that’s biodegradable and not as harmful. There’s lots of new companies trialling the use of bamboo, seaweed, other natural textiles which we ought to use instead, but that does start with the companies who choose to use them. The reality is that plastic is very cheap to produce, so no company is going to voluntairily give it up, not until there’s a huge public outcry where consumers may start to boycott the company and affect their margins (which is unlikely to happen)

Very big company...remember the good old times when they used glass and we got our pocket money when we return them to the store

hspexy they also working on reducing waste and the bottles can be recycled and currently coca-cola is planning to change the caps too and it will be all recyclable,

AgnesFaludi I've started to save the caps to send to Lush. They let you send them by freepost. The scheme is domestic rather than commercial but the caps are crushed and made into worktops and furniture. It's great to know someone is doing something constructive about the problem even if it is only a small scheme. Freepost LUSH GREENHUB

AgnesFaludi that’s good to know, and hopefully the other companies follow suit. I’m sure they’re also more than happy to showcase this as positive PR
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